The study reviewed the course codes at undergraduate level in selected universities and Higher Education Commission (HEC). The objectives of the study were to investigate the coding system of courses and propose a system for coding the courses at tertiary level in Pakistan. The coding system of different universities, inside and outside Pakistan, was analyzed and a system of coding was proposed. The study found discrepancies in the coding of courses that cause difficulties for academic bodies and transfer of credits from one university to another. It is recommended that courses of a degree required may be divided in 1) General Education requirements, 2) Subject specific foundation courses, 3) subject specific major compulsory courses, and 4) subject specific major elective courses. For codes 2, 3 or 4 capital letters for a subject along with three numbers (xxx) may be used to specify each course of the university. The left digit of the three may be used for the hardship level. The courses 1xx, 2xx, 3xx and 4xx will be taught in the first, second, third and fourth year, respectively and research may be given 500 at undergraduate level, courses of 5 year may be placed in 5xx and research may be coded as 599. The graduate level courses for MPhil /MS /PhD may be coded as 6xx, 7xx and 8xx for MPhil and PhD all over the country.
The study analyzes Psychological Trauma as a result of Corporal Punishment at Secondary Level. The population was all the students of 10th class which made a population of 30200 students in Tehsils of District Malakand of KPK. Sixteen secondary schools and twenty-six students from each school were taken as a sample by using a simple random method. The research instrument DASS 42 about corporal punishment used four options, home, at school, both at home and school and neither at home nor at school. The questionnaire was administered to 416 students and 400 were received. The findings of the study were that a significant association of corporal punishment with psychological trauma i.e. depression, anxiety and stress was found. The students were corporally punished both at homes and schools had moderate or severe level of stress, anxiety and depression..
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) offers teacher education programs from Primary School Teacher to Doctor of Philosophy in Education. The current study is focused on B. Ed., 2-year M.Ed., and Associate Degree in Education (ADE). AIOU has rendered great services in the field of education and particularly teacher education. Distance education internationally is an established system of education but in the context of Pakistan there are certain issues in distant mode of education which if addressed, may improve quality in teacher education. The current study investigated issues from the perspectives of tutors in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Data were collected from tutors in 03 districts through interviews. Interview was conducted with total of 20 tutors. The purpose of the study was to get an in-depth understanding of the issues and suggest recommendations for improvement of the teacher education through distance learning from AIOU and the distance education programs offered by other universities.
This study explores the impacts of adult literacy centers for woman in District Malakand. The students of adult literacy centers of District Malakand constitute the population of the study. There are 6 centers, three each for males and females. A group of 10 women in each female center was selected for focus group discussion. A sample of 30 individuals was taken with the help of Judgmental sampling. The primary data were collected with the help of a focus group discussion. Questions were asked from the participants keeping in view the objectives and relevant literature. The participants were inquired what they gained from the adult literacy program. During the group discussion Field notes were taken and the discussion was also recorded. After each group discussion the recorded data was transcribed verbatim. Data were verified by comparing the field notes and video. All transcriptions and field notes were thoroughly read by the researchers. Three stage approaches were adopted for data reduction. The narrative of the participants was changed into a simple description. Description was categorized under one theme. Representative quotations were also added to various response categories, themes and patterns emerging from the data. The participants showed positive response. They learnt basic reading, and writing, they could check the homework of their children, literacy brought awareness in their lives and this literacy program enabled them to start small business. Moreover, the centers provided an opportunity for socialization.