4 Ergebnisse
Supercritical CO2-Shale interaction induced natural fracture closure: Implications for scCO2 hydraulic fracturing in shales
Multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has been identified as a must to develop shale gas reservoirs by increasing the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). Supercritical CO2 (scCO2) has been studied as an alternating fracturing fluid due to its tendency to solve numerous problems associated with conventional aqueous based hydraulic fracturing such as formation damage, clay swelling, water scarcity and ground water contamination. However, its consequences to the host rock are not well understood. It has been recognized that scCO2-shale interaction alters the petrophysical properties during the long-term exposure of shale into scCO2, far little attention has been paid to understand the impact of this process for the short term. Thus, laboratory fracturing experiments using scCO2 on cubic shale samples (50 × 50 × 50 mm) in true triaxial stress cell (TTSC) were conducted. X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging and low-pressure N2 adsorption were also performed to gain a deeper understanding of the fluid-rock interactions on the studied shales at a short-time process. Post-fracturing x-ray CT scans revealed a significant reduction, in the range of 14% to 46%, in the aperture of the natural fractures, indicating towards a possible scCO2 induced swelling. Mechanical compression test on the sample results in around 12% reduction in the fracture aperture, ruling out the possibility of confining stress being the key factor behind the fracture closure observed during fracturing. scCO2 soaking and N2 adsorption experiments showed the narrowing down of the macropores after scCO2 treatment implying the adsorption swelling as one of the controlling factors for the reduction of fracture aperture. Taken together, our results suggest that scCO2-shale interactions during the short term process of hydraulic fracturing can contribute to decreasing the conductivity of pathways between matrix and hydraulic fractures and hence adversely affecting the post-fracturing productivity of the rock. ; The author acknowledges the support provided by the Australian Government and Curtin University for providing the funding under their Research Training Program Scholarship and provision of the required support, facilities, and equipment for this research. The author is thankful to Edith Cowan University and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), specially Mr. Shane Kager, Dr. Joel Sarout, Dr. Jeremie Dautriat, Dr. Lionel Estebin, Mr. Michael Verall, Mr. David Nguyen and Mr. Hamed Akhondzadeh, for providing support and access to their laboratory equipment. The author is also grateful to the National Geosequestration Laboratory (NGL) of Australia for providing funding to build the stress cell. Funding for this facility was provided by the Australian Federal Government. In addition, the author would like to appreciate the support provided by Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia in providing access to their data analysis and visualisation resources. In the end, the author is thankful to Dr. Jamiu Ekundayo and Mr. Faaiz Al-shajalee for their special assistance during revision of this manuscript.
Hydrogen Flooding of a Coal Core: Effect on Coal Swelling
Hydrogen is a clean fuel which has the potential to drastically decarbonize the energy supply chain. However, hydrogen storage is currently a key challenge; one solution to this problem is hydrogen geo-storage, with which very large quantities of H$_2$ can be stored economically. Possible target formations are deep coal seams, and coal permeability is a key parameter which determines how fast H$_2$ can be injected and withdrawn again. However, it is well known that gas injection into coal can lead to coal swelling, which drastically reduces permeability. We thus injected H$_2$ gas into a coal core and measured dynamic permeability, while imaging the core via x-ray micro-tomography at reservoir conditions. Importantly, no changes in coal cleat morphology or permeability were observed. We conclude that H$_2$ geo-storage in deep coal seams is feasible from a fundamental petro-physical perspective; this work thus aids in the large-scale implementation of a hydrogen economy. ; The measurements were performed using the μCT system courtesy of the National Geosequestration Laboratory (NGL) of Australia. The NGL is a collaboration between Curtin University, CSIRO, and the University of Western Australia established to conduct and deploy critical research and development to enable commercial-scale carbon storage options. Funding for this facility was provided by the Australian Federal Government. We would also like to thank the Australian Research Council for financial support (ARC grant DP220102907). Adriana Paluszny thanks the Royal Society for funding through fellowship UF160443. Finally, we would also like to thank Bureau Veritas Mineral Pty Ltd for performing the petrographic, ash content, ultimate, and proximate analyses. Open access publishing facilitated by Edith Cowan University, as part of the Wiley - Edith Cowan University agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians.
Strain Responses of Outcrop Limestone Rock Using Multiplexed FBG Sensor Arrays: An Experimental Investigation
In: HELIYON-D-22-18893