A survey system to assess abuse and misconduct toward Air Force students in occupational specialty training
Introduction -- Part I: Understanding Technical Training and Flying Training -- Characteristics of the Technical Training Environment -- Characteristics of the Flying Training Environment -- Part II: Adapting and Pretesting the Survey Content and Administration -- Adapted and New Survey Content -- Survey Pretest Methods -- Part III: Survey System Recommendations -- When to Administer the Survey -- Who Should Participate in the Survey -- Confidentiality and Maximizing Survey Participation -- Technical and Human Resource Challenges to Resolve Before Implementing the Survey System -- Recommendations for Analyses and Reporting -- Conclusion -- Appendix A. Air Force and DoD Surveys That Assess Misconduct -- Appendix B. Enlisted Occupational Specialties Available to Non-Prior Service Students -- Appendix C. Survey Instrument -- Appendix D. Responsible Comparisons of Survey Results.