46 Ergebnisse
Evropské rozpory ve světle migrace
In: Knižnice sociologické aktuality 40. svazek
Tři sociální světy: sociální struktura postindustriální společnosti
In: Ediční řada Studie 64
Nejistota a d°uvěra aneb K čemu je modernitě dobrá tradice
In: Ediční řada studie 54
Politika s ruc̆ením omezeným: promĕny moci na prahu 21. století
In: Edice nové smĕry 1
Sociální jednání z hlediska marxistické sociologie
In: Opera Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis, Facultas Philosophica 284
Jak sociologie přichází o společnost [How Sociology Is Abandoning Society]
In: Sociologický časopis: Czech sociological review, Band 44, Heft 5, S. 989-1006
ISSN: 2336-128X
The Czech Republic: Fifteen Years Later
In: European journal of social theory, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 471-485
ISSN: 1461-7137
This article discusses some aspects of developments in the Czech Republic during the 15 years since the downfall of the Communist regime. At the level of social structures, the dominant trend has been a rapid growth of inequality, which has blocked the development of a middle-class society. At the political level, the most salient tendency is the growth of a 'silent majority', not least due to the murky methods of privatization and the manifest corruption among the new elite. The problems of the ecological movement exemplify the difficulties faced by nascent civil societies in post-Communist conditions. Finally, the author tries to identify likely trends linked to the dynamic of globalization. Here the most serious problem is the stagnation or even decline of the employees and small entrepreneurs who were once expected to become the backbone of civil society.
Daten, Dokumente, Dossiers: Netzwerke "Arabischer Mujahedin" in Deutschland
In: Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie: (E & D), Band 15, S. 194-208
ISSN: 0938-0256
Deset témat pro českou sociologii
In: Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, Band 38, Heft 1-2, S. 25-35
Ten topics are identified for future sociological research in the Czech Republic, noting that it must shift its focus to adequately cope with the qualitative historical & societal changes of today's world: (1) the history of sociology, (2) the globalization process, (3) the sociology of networks, (4) modernization problems, (5) the postcommunist societal transformation (testing the theory of convergence), (6) the socioprofessional structure, (7) the Czech brand of multiculturalism, (8) the sociology of economics, (9) postmodern criticism of traditional sociological conceptual apparatus, & (10) the sociology of ecology & the ecological issues in the risk society.