51 Ergebnisse
Regret Theory and Information: A Note
In: The Economic Journal, Band 94, Heft 375, S. 645
Patient and Public Participation in the English NHS: An assessment of experimental implementation processes
In: Public management review, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 543-22
ISSN: 1471-9037
Patient and Public Participation in the English NHS: An assessment of experimental implementation processes
In: Public management review, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 543-564
ISSN: 1471-9045
Working paper
The Voice of Patients and the Public in the National Health Service: Issues of Implementation
In: Conceptualizing and Researching Governance in Public and Non-Profit Organizations; Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, S. 203-226
A (new) model of board of directors: evidence from the National Health Service
In: International Journal of Public Sector Management, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 272-286
A (new) model of board of directors: evidence from the National Health Service
In: International journal of public sector management: IJPSM, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 272-287
ISSN: 0951-3558
A (new) model of board of directors: evidence from the National Health Service
In: International journal of public sector management, Band 25, Heft 4
ISSN: 1758-6666
The Significance and Implications of Being a Subprime Homeowner in the UK
In: Environment and planning. A, Band 44, Heft 6, S. 1502-1522
ISSN: 1472-3409
The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of the significance and implications of being a subprime homeowner in the UK. The results indicate that subprime individuals represent a mixture of socioeconomic groups, predominantly included in the light adverse and near prime categories of subprime lending, for whom credit adversity is generally a temporary phenomenon, which is likely to represent a transitory event in their lives. These borrowers have been at the heart of the UK subprime mortgage market, actively targeted not only by specialist lenders but also, more crucially, by mainstream players. Whereas for some individuals this market has provided an opportunity to experience the emotional and financial aspects of homeownership positively; for others becoming a subprime mortgage holder has increased the difficulties in their lives, affected their financial capability, and worsened their standards of living. Thus, the impact of the risk—reward mechanisms of subprime products has proved to be a difficult reality for certain socioeconomic groups. Furthermore, given the progressive deterioration in the transparency of the financial services industry, a significant proportion of subprime individuals has, unsurprisingly, struggled to appreciate the reasons why they faced problems in obtaining credit or a mortgage.
National Health Service Boards of Directors and Governance Models
In: Public management review, Band 13, Heft 6, S. 861-885
ISSN: 1471-9045
National Health Service Boards of Directors and Governance Models
In: Public management review, Band 13, Heft 6, S. 861-886
ISSN: 1471-9037
NHS boards: knowing the 'what' but not the 'how'
In: Public money & management: integrating theory and practice in public management, Band 30, Heft 6, S. 363-370
ISSN: 1467-9302
Institutional Voting in the UK: Is Mandatory Voting the Answer?
In: Corporate governance: an international review, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 37-44
ISSN: 1467-8683
Institutional shareholders are increasingly being urged to take a more active role in the governance of the companies in which they invest. In particular, attention has focused on the level of voting by institutions at annual general meetings, which has historically been rather low, and many commentators argue that institutions (particularly the pension funds) should have a legal duty to exercise their voting rights on behalf of their beneficiaries. This paper examines the issues regarding institutional voting and considers whether mandatory institutional voting is likely to lead to more active institutional involvement in corporate governnance at the individual firm level. In particular, it is argued that the imposition of mandatory voting is unlikely to result in informed voting, which is essential if the objective of increasing effective institutional involvement in corporate governance is to be met. This paper concludes that the imposition of mandatory voting is unlikely to result in a change in the investment and ownership ethos of the institutions.