In: Politikologija religije: Politics and religion = Politologie des religions, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 157-160
ISSN: 1820-659X
3700 Ergebnisse
In: Politikologija religije: Politics and religion = Politologie des religions, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 157-160
ISSN: 1820-659X
Your stronger family connection starts here with just 5 minutes of conversation each day. It contains 365 easy and imaginative ways to check in with your kids, develop their growth mindset, and get both serious and silly---together! Every interactive activity and open-ended conversation prompt helps you build the family bond you've always dreamed of.
"A People's Guide to Abolition and Disability Justice explains the history and theories behind abolition and disability justice in a way that is easy to understand for those new to these concepts yet also gives insights that will be useful to seasoned activists. The book uses extensive research and professional and lived experience to illuminate the way the State uses disability and its power to disable to incarcerate multiply marginalized disabled people, especially those who are queer, trans, Black, or Indigenous. Because disabled people are much more likely than nondisabled people to be locked up in prisons, jails, and other sites of incarceration, abolitionists, and others critical of carceral systems must incorporate a disability justice perspective into our work. A People's Guide to Abolition and Disability Justice gives personal and policy examples of how and why disabled people are disproportionately caught up in the carceral net, and how we can use this information to work toward prison and police abolition more effectively. This book includes practical tools and strategies that will be useful for anyone who cares about disability justice or abolition and explains why we can't have one without the other"
Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Masculinities, Fathering and Migration -- Chapter 3 Contextualizing Latin American Fathers and Sons in the UK -- Chapter 4 International Migration and Intergenerational Transfer: Latin American Migrant Men and their Sons in London -- Chapter 5 Intergenerational Relations and Father-Son Relationships -- Chapter 6 Multiple Masculinities - Partners, Fathers and Stepfathers -- Chapter 7 Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Policy.
In: 21st Century Skills Library: Money Talks: 21st Century Financial Literacy Series
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Withholding Taxes -- Chapter 2: Why Give to the Government? -- Chapter 3: Understanding What You Owe -- Chapter 4: Other Types of Taxes -- Chapter 5: Part of a Bigger Picture -- Figuring Out Finance Answers -- Learn More -- Glossary -- Index -- Back Cover.
In: CERES: Rutgers Studies in History
Alien Soil: Oral Histories of Great Migration Newarkexplores Newarks Krueger-Scott African-American Cultural Center collection of over 100 oral histories. Historian Katie Singer separates these stories into thematic categories of social and political events, including church, work, and activism, in order to paint an intimate portrait of everyday urbanity and the larger Black urban experience in Newark. Through the examination of these Krueger-Scott narratives, Singer challenges historical falsehoods with the lived experiences of Newarkers who traveled North during the Great Migration, as well as established city residents.Alien Soileffectively contextualizes Newark history and re-inserts Black voices into historiography traditionally dominated by outsiders." The book begins with the Krueger-Scott Mansions deep history, followed by the sequence of events surrounding the proposed Cultural Center. Last owned by African-American millionaire and beauty-culture entrepreneur Louise Scott, the Victorian Krueger-Scott Mansion was built by beer baron Gottfried Krueger in 1888. Through the history of the Mansion, and the ultimately failed Cultural Center project, one learns about the Newark that African Americans migrated to, what they found when they got there, how living in the city changed them, and how they, individually and collectively, changed Newark. After the Cultural Center project was officially halted in 2000, the cassette tapes of the oral history interviews were stored away at the Newark Public Library. Ten years later they were unearthed, and ultimately digitized. As of yet, no one has applied these sources directly to their research.Deeply committed to these rich, insightful stories, Singer calls for a more thoughtful consideration of all cities, reminding us that Newark is much more than its 1967 rebellion
1. Introduction -- 2. Gender, Psychiatry, and Social Anxiety -- 3. 'Co-morbidities', Femininities, and Non-normativities -- 4. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Contingency on (Gendered) Culture -- 5. Watching Women's Bodies, Watching Women's Selves -- 6. The Ideal Self -- 7. Conclusion.
In: Espíritu deportivo (Be a good sport) (Pull ahead readers people smarts en español - Nonfiction)
In: Espíritu deportivo (Be a good sport) (Pull ahead readers people smarts en español - Nonfiction)
In: Espíritu deportivo (Be a good sport) (Pull ahead readers people smarts en español - Nonfiction)
In: I care (Pull Ahead Readers People Smarts--nonfiction)
In: Espíritu deportivo (Be a good sport) (Pull ahead readers people smarts en español - nonfiction)