Epistemology and methodology of comparative law
In: European Academy of Legal Theory monograph series
Legal culture v. legal tradition /Alan Watson --Legal cultures and legal traditions /H. Patrick Glenn --Legal epistemology and transformation of legal cultures /Marek Zirk-Sadowski --Epistemology and comparative law : contributions from the sciences and social sciences /Geoffrey Samuel --How to make comparable things : legal engineering at the service of comparative law /Juha Karhu (previously Juha Pöyhönen) --Methodology and European law - can methodology change so as to cope with the multiplicity of the law? /Karl-Heinz Ladeur --Comparative law of obligations : methodology and epistemology /Christian von Bar --Codifying European private law /Walter van Gerven --Deep level comparative law /Mark van Hoecke --NICE dreams and realities of European private law /Nikolas Roos --Europeanisation of national legal systems : some consequences for legal thinking in civil law countries /Jan M. Smits --Comparative law and the internationalisation of law in Europe /Mireille Delmas-Marty --Public law in Europe : caught between the national and sub-national and the European? /John Bell --New challenges in public and private international legal theory : can comparative scholarship help? /Horatia Muir Watt --Abridged or forbidden speech : how can speech be regulated through speech? /François Rigaux --Legisprudence of comparative law /Luc J. Wintgens --Rawls' political conception of rights and liberties : an illiberal but pragmatic approach to the problems of harmonisation and globalisation /Paul de Hert and Serge Gutwirth --Family trees for legal systems : towards a contemporary approach /Esin Örücü --Acommon legal language in Europe? /Anne Lise Kjær.