11 Ergebnisse
Patronage of the past and future: legislators' decision to impeach president Estrada of the Philippines
In: The Pacific review, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 521-540
ISSN: 0951-2748
In patronage-ridden political systems, under what conditions is patronage a more or less effective tool of political influence? This question has been neglected in the patronage politics literature due to the unwarranted premise that patronage is almost always effective. This article addresses this understudied question using the case of President Estrada's impeachment in the Philippines in November 2000. In particular, I ask why some members of Estrada's party, LAMP, decided to endorse the impeachment of the president. Using logit regression analysis, I find that LAMP legislators' impeachment decision was influenced largely by their consideration of patronage from Estrada in the past as well as its value in the future. In particular, two factors are important. First, the LAMP members who had switched their party affiliation to LAMP after the 1998 election were more likely to endorse the impeachment than those who were already LAMP members in 1998. The primary explanation for this behaviour, according to my analysis, is that the new switchers received little campaign contribution from Estrada during the previous election campaign. Second, LAMP members who faced the term limit rule were more likely to endorse the impeachment than continuing members, most probably because the departing members accorded less value to future presidential patronage than the continuing members. (Pac Rev/DÜI)
World Affairs Online
Presidents, assemblies and policy-making in Asia
1. Introduction: Yuko Kasuya, S. 1 . - 2. A Framework for Analysing Presidential-Legislative Relations in Asia: Yuko Kasuya, S. 10. - 3. Presidentialism in Korea: A Strong President and a Weak Government: Yuki Asaba,S. 40 . - 4. Afghanistan's Strong President and Weak Parties: Yuko Kasuya with John Kendall, S. 59 . - 5. Trading Compromises: Interaction of Powers in the Philippine Presidential System: Takeshi Kawanaka, S. 89. - 6. Presidential Strength and Party Leadership in Taiwan: Mitsutoyo Matsumoto, S. 107 . - 7. Strong President and Vulnerable Political System in Sri Lanka: Hiroki Miwa, S. 134 . - 8. President Restrained: Effects of Parliamentary Rule and Coalition Government on Indonesia's Presidentialism: Koichi Kawamura, S. 156 . - 9. Conclusion: Lessons from the Study of Asian Presidentialism: Yuko Kasuya, S. 204
World Affairs Online
Pretending to support?: Duterte's popularity and democratic backsliding in the Philippines
In: Journal of east Asian studies
ISSN: 2234-6643
World Affairs Online
The shift to consensus democracy and limits of institutional design in Asia
In: The Pacific review, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 844-870
ISSN: 1470-1332
A 'majoritarian turn' identified by scholars of Asian democracy in the 1990s saw the rise of mixed-member majoritarian electoral systems and more centripetal party competition across both Northeast and Southeast Asia. In this paper, we argue that since the 2000s, the institutional pendulum has shifted, with more consensual approaches to democracy appearing to better represent key identity cleavages of gender, ethnicity, and territory—a trend evident not just in East Asia but South Asia as well. This new 'Asian model' typically involves increasing the proportional components of existing electoral formulas and grafting gender quotas, multiethnic party lists, and quasi-federal elements onto ostensibly majoritarian state structures. We show that these reforms have, as intended, mostly increased female and ethnic minority representation and decentralized governance structures. At the same time, however, these de jure changes are not associated with de facto political development in terms of greater democratic quality, counter to theoretical expectations. Indeed, democracy has declined across most of Asia at the same time as its democratic institutions have become more consensual. (Pac Rev / GIGA)
World Affairs Online
The perils of parliamentarism: executive selection systems and democratic transitions from electoral authoritarianism
In: Studies in comparative international development: SCID, Band 57, Heft 2, S. 198-220
ISSN: 1936-6167
World Affairs Online
The ' failure' of agrarian reform in transitional democracy, Philippines 1986-1992
In: Working Paper Series, No. 194
World Affairs Online
Resisting autocratization: the protest–repression nexus in Hong Kong's Anti-ELAB Movement
In: Japanese journal of political science, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 193-197
ISSN: 1474-0060
World Affairs Online
Is the justice frame effective in mobilizing support for human rights violations?: Evidence from the Philippines
In: Asian affairs: an American review, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 77-94
ISSN: 1940-1590
Effective message framing motivates individuals to act for and defend human rights. What effective message framing motivates individuals to defend human rights? Recent experiment-based framing studies show that personal frames are more successful than informational or motivational frames in increasing the advocacy activities of human rights organizations. This study tested the justice frame using the Philippine case of extrajudicial executions. Employing internet-based survey experiments, we tested the effects of the justice frame on consensus and action mobilizations as well as the three frames mentioned above. Our results showed that combining justice and the personal frame is more effective. We also examined emotions inflicted by framing. Our results reveal an association between empathy and anger as a reaction that connects exposure to personal frame and mobilization. (Asian Aff/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
Seiji riron to jisshō kenkyū no taiwa
In: Nenpō seijigaku 1 (2015)
In: 年報政治学 1 (2015)
Seiji riron to jisshō kenkyū o tsunagu wa : keikenteki bunseki niokeru gainen bunseki no yakuwari / 稗田健志 [著] -- Kansatsu kanōna mono to kansatsu fukanōna mono : kihan keiken no kubetsu no saikentō / 田村哲樹 [著] -- Tasha eno shien o dōkizukeru dōjō to awaremi : sābei jikken niyoru dōtokuteki chokkan no kenshō / 河野勝 三村憲弘 [著] -- "ippyō no kakusa" o meguru kihan riron to jisshō bunseki : nihon deno giron wa nani ga mondai nanoka? / 粕谷祐子 [著] -- Seisaku adobokashī niokeru seiji riron to jisshō bunseki no kyōgō to kyōdō : toshi to mobiriti o meguru shomondai o jirei toshite / 井上弘貴 [著] -- Kokusai kankei kenkyū no shōrai : kokusai kankei no kenkyū kara gurōbaru kankei no kenkyū e / 芝崎厚士 [著] -- Shakai jikken to ribatarian patānarizumu wa sekai no hinkon o sukū? : enjo no shinchōryū ni kansuru seiji rironteki ichikōsatsu / 木山幸輔 [著] -- Soreyue komon'uerusu e shintai o sasageta : arufureddo jimān "girisha no kyōwakoku" to teikoku kyōwa shugi / 馬路智仁 [著] -- 1980nendai ikō no iryō kyōkyū seido kaikaku no tenkai : seisaku gakushūron no shiza kara / 竜聖人 [著] -- 2013nen doitsu renpō gikai senkyo no bunseki to renpō seiji eno gan'i / 中川洋一 [著] -- Chūō chihō kankei niokeru seitō rūto no yakuwari : zaisei iten kaikaku no nihon kanada hikaku / 城戸英樹 [著] -- Chihō gikai senkyo no tokuhyō bunseki : giin kōdō to senkyo tono tsunagari / 築山宏樹 [著]