"This Was My Only Option": Career Transitions of Canadian Immigrants in Same-Sex Binational Relationships
In: Journal of LGBT issues in counseling, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 154-171
ISSN: 1553-8338
15 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of LGBT issues in counseling, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 154-171
ISSN: 1553-8338
In: Journal of gay & lesbian social services: issues in practice, policy & research, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 201-219
ISSN: 1540-4056
In: Journal of lesbian studies, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 107-126
ISSN: 1540-3548
In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry
ISSN: 1052-0147
Dyadic interviews are an approach to qualitative data collection designed to understand the meaning pairs of individuals make from experiences. The greatest benefit of dyadic interviews, and perhaps a reason for their gaining momentum in the literature, is that they encourage participants to interact, resulting in detailed and complex descriptions of phenomena. However, dyadic interviews pose challenges to qualitative researchers. Researchers must figure out how to account for the presence of two interviewees, any differences in perspective, and interactions. Unfortunately, no known study demonstrates how the interactions of dyadic interviews can be analyzed in accordance with a methodological approach. Rather, researchers tend to observe pre-existing methods without direct mention of modification for conducting and analyzing dyadic interviews. Thus, the degree to which participant interactions are being analyzed in current studies remains unknown. In the following paper, we use Giorgi's (2009) descriptive psychological phenomenology as an exemplar for how dyadic interviews may be applied to qualitative investigations. The theoretical fit of dyadic interviews with Giorgi's approach, proposed modifications, and their limitations, are discussed.
In: International journal for educational and vocational guidance, Band 9, Heft 3
ISSN: 1573-1782
This article considers three perspectives that have figured prominently in the conceptualization of psychological trauma related to military service in the Canadian context—that of military institutions, that of military members, and that of counselling psychologists. A closer examination of these views reveals points of contention regarding the origins, terminology, and cultural relevance of conceptualizations of service-related trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder By drawing from theoretical, empirical, critical, and anecdotal literature, this article highlights the need for counselling psychologists to continually evolve their understanding of the broader contexts in which service-related trauma occurs and to honour military members' knowledge of diverse sources of traumatic suffering. ; Dans cet article, les auteurs abordent trois des perspectives les plus fréquemment utilisées pour conceptualiser le traumatisme psychologique lié au service militaire dans le contexte canadien, soit le point de vue de l'institution militaire, celui des membres des forces armées, et celui des psychologues en counseling. En examinant de plus près ces points de vue, on constate des points de discorde en ce qui concerne les origines, la terminologie, et la pertinence culturelle des conceptualisations du traumatisme lié au service, par exemple lorsqu'il est question des troubles de stress post-traumatique. En s'inspirant de la documentation théorique, empirique, critique, et anecdotique, le présent article souligne qu'il faut que les psychologues en counseling fassent évoluer constamment leur compréhension des contextes plus larges dans lesquels survient le traumatisme lié au service et qu'ils reconnaissent que ce sont les militaires qui savent quelles sont les multiples sources de souffrance traumatique.
This special issue of Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy is an outgrowth of the landmark 2018 Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference called "Advocating for Ourselves, Advocating for Our Communities: Canadian Counselling Psychology Into the Next Decade and Beyond." This conference centred on seven working groups: the future of counselling psychology education and training in Canada, foregrounding clinical practice and clinical supervision within the field of Canadian counselling psychology, student advocacy in Canadian counselling psychology, responding to the TRC in Canadian counselling psychology, internationalization of counselling psychology, the role of Canadian counselling psychology in advocating for the needs of members of under-represented groups, and the responsibility of Canadian counselling psychology to reach systems, organizations, and policy-makers. This introduction highlights the seven articles included in this special issue, each of which summarizes the discussion included within one working group and elaborates upon topics that emerged within each working group discussion. We expect that, after reading the articles contained within this special issue, readers will be able to experience some of the intellectual stimulation and inspiration felt by many who attended the working groups in person. We also hope that this collection of articles will inspire those who did not attend the conference to advocate for and to help increase the presence and the influence of Canadian counselling psychology locally, provincially, nationally, and globally as it seeks to promote the best interests of the various communities it serves. ; Ce numéro spécial de la Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie est issu de l'important congrès canadien 2018 de psychologie du counseling ayant pour thématique: «Promouvoir et défendre nos propres droits et ceux de nos collectivités: la psychologie du counseling au Canada au cours de la prochaine décennie et au-delà». Ce congrès s'est articulé autour de sept groupes de travail: l'avenir des études et de la formation en psychologie du counseling au Canada, la mise en valeur de la pratique clinique et de la supervision clinique au sein de la psychologie du counseling au Canada, la promotion et la défense des intérêts des étudiantes et étudiants canadiens en psychologie du counseling, la réponse à la CVR de la part de la psychologie du counseling au Canada, l'internationalisation de la psychologie du counseling, le rôle de la psychologie du counseling au Canada dans la promotion et la défense des besoins des groupes sous-représentés, et la responsabilité de la psychologie du counseling au Canada dans l'établissement de contacts avec les systèmes, les organismes, et les responsables des politiques. La présente introduction souligne les sept articles présentés dans ce numéro spécial, dont chacun résume les discussions tenues au sein d'un groupe de travail et explique les enjeux qui en sont ressortis. Nous espérons qu'après avoir lu les articles contenus dans ce numéro spécial, les lecteurs seront en mesure de ressentir en partie la stimulation et l'inspiration intellectuelles qu'ont éprouvées bon nombre de personnes ayant pu participer en personne aux groupes de travail. Nous espérons également que cette série d'articles saura inciter celles et ceux qui n'ont pas pu être présents au congrès à promouvoir et à défendre la psychologie du counseling au Canada et à contribuer à accroître sa présence et son influence à l'échelle locale, provinciale, nationale, et internationale, compte tenu de sa démarche visant à promouvoir l'intérêt véritable des diverses collectivités qu'elle dessert.
In: The British journal of social work
ISSN: 1468-263X
In social work and related practice fields, studies tend to treat LGBTQIA+ and migrant communities as distinct groups, overlooking the unique challenges faced by those at their intersection. This study uses an intersectional lens to examine social work scholarship on LGBTQIA+ migrants in order to map trends and identify gaps. We examined scholarship along various dimensions, including (1) geography, temporality, and methodology; (2) migrant and gender and sexuality identities; and (3) a range of topics. Findings suggest that literature is skewed towards health and mental health as a topic, qualitative methods, and the Global North as the location of first authors and research sites. Economic migrants receive more attention than vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. Regarding sexual and gender identities, the bulk of literature is focused on men who have sex with men, followed by gay, lesbian, and bisexual identities. Also, the number of identities examined has greatly increased over time, while LGBTQIA+ migrant youth emerged as understudied. Findings in this scoping review point to heightened intersectional perspectives in the study of LGBTQIA+ migrants in the social work field.
Given that an increasing number of newcomer youth enter high schools in Canada each year, educational settings are faced with the challenge of creating programming and policies that promote a positive integration process. As part of a larger study that examined the integration experiences of newcomer youth, four participants were asked to offer advice for other newcomer students and for professionals working with this group and suggestions of ways to improve the current educational system. Analysis of these suggestions revealed four themes: (a) forming connections, (b) support from professionals, (c) appropriate placement, and (d) provision of additional resources and information. These themes highlight areas in which newcomer youth are lacking support and provide practical solutions to ensure that newcomer youth feel more connected to their schools and communities and supported through the process of school integration. ; Avec le nombre croissant de jeunes nouveaux arrivants qui entrent dans les écoles secondaires canadiennes chaque année, les milieux éducatifs doivent s'employer à créer des programmes et des politiques qui favorisent un processus d'intégration positif. Dans le cadre d'une étude plus vaste examinant les expériences d'intégration de jeunes nouveaux arrivants, on a demandé à quatre participants de se prononcer au nom d'autres élèves nouvellement arrivés et des professionnels qui travaillaient avec ce groupe et de proposer des suggestions pour améliorer le système d'éducation actuel. L'analyse de ces suggestions a révélé quatre thèmes : (a) tisser des liens, (b) obtenir du soutien auprès de professionnels, (c) déterminer le placement approprié, et (d) fournir des ressources et de l'information supplémentaires. Ces thèmes mettent en lumière des secteurs où les jeunes nouveaux arrivants manquent de soutien et proposent des solutions pratiques pour faire en sorte que les jeunes nouveaux arrivants se sentent mieux intégrés dans leurs écoles et leurs collectivités et appuyés tout au long du processus d'intégration scolaire.
In: Social Networking: SN, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 111-125
ISSN: 2169-3323
In: ACTPSY-D-24-01009
In: Emerging adulthood, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 952-970
ISSN: 2167-6984
Many modern emerging adults undertake the task of identity development while navigating life on a post-secondary campus, where they assimilate to new social and learning environments. Emerging adult newcomers (i.e. immigrants) must navigate additional developmental challenges as they reconcile their cultural, ethnic, and personal identity development simultaneously while facing systemic barriers to post-secondary integration. We employed an arts-based engagement ethnography to investigate the post-secondary integration experiences of 10 emerging adults from a person-first perspective. Through cultural probes, individual semi-structured interviews, and focus groups, we identified four key structures to participants' integration experience: fitting in (through assimilation and accommodation), biculturalism, managing familial expectations, and being a newcomer in the classroom. This research clarifies the key experiences shaping young newcomer identity development and highlights the profound ways in which young newcomers negotiate and reconcile their intersecting identities while integrating into new education contexts following migration.
In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry
ISSN: 1052-0147
Researchers often focus on the content of their research interests but, depending on the research approach, may pay less attention to the process of locating themselves in relation to the research topic. This paper outlines the dialogue between an interdisciplinary team of researchers who were at the initial stages of forming a research agenda related to weight bias and social justice. Using a polyethnographic approach to guide our discussion, we sought to explore the diverse and common life experiences that influenced our professional interests for pursuing research on weight bias. As a dialogic method, polyethnography is ideally suited for the reflexive work required of researchers seeking to address issues of equity and social justice. Beyond more traditional approaches such as journaling, personal interviews, or researcher notes, the intersubjectivity highlighted by this method affords a richer space for exploration, challenging ideas, taking risks, and collectively interrogating both self and society. Following a discussion of positionality, the dialogue between researchers is presented, followed by their critique of the discussion, informed by professional literature.
In: International journal of population data science: (IJPDS), Band 3, Heft 4
ISSN: 2399-4908
IntroductionA healthy city is one that continually creates and improves psychosocial and social environments and expands community resources allowing people to develop to their maximum portential. The role of SEDoHs is incontestable, yet we continue to face many of the same SEDoH-related problems despite what we know.
Objectives and ApproachThis project presents the idea of "Empathic Cultural Mapping" (ECM). ECM is an interactive story map which brings together vignettes taken from individual stories curated with "big data" derived from places such as Statistics Canada, the City of Calgary, and library holdings at the University of Calgary. ECM seeks to challenge users to re-imagine long held constructions around sectoral, and disciplinary driven interpretations and categorizations of lifestyle, consumption, health, and the environment. ECM seeks to encourage knowledge users from multiple sectors to think beyond what is known and to consider what might be possible.
ResultsECM is a creative interactive undertaking. In developing ECM, a range of creative research processes have been used to record and tell the stories of a small group of newcomers (defined as those who migrate, seek refuge, or claim asylum in Canada) and position these within large data. A desire to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communties through opening processes of dialogoue between local government, non-government organizations, communitites, and individuals lies at the heart of this project. Knowledge and sense-making are key features of individual and community empowerment within the ECM and are viewed as powerful stimuli for change as well as powerful allies for health and a buffer against its threats.
Conclusion/ImplicationsECM creates, shares, and brings together individual stories and 'big data'. It identifies needs that impact health in the everyday. It seeks to improve awareness of the world around us. It encourages people to communicate their experiences. Finally, it achieves its goals by using creative processes.
In: International journal of population data science: (IJPDS), Band 5, Heft 1
ISSN: 2399-4908
Background In the case of immigrant health and wellness, data are the key limiting factor, where comprehensive national knowledge on immigrant health and health service utilisation is limited. New data and data silos are an inherent response to the increase in technology in the collection and storage of data. The Health Data Cooperative (HDC) model allows members to contribute, store, and manage their health-related information, and members are the rightful data owners and decision-makers to data sharing (e g. research communities, commercial entities, government bodies).
ObjectiveThis review attempts to scope the literature on HDC and fulfill the following objectives: 1) identify and describe the type of literature that is available on the HDC model; 2) describe the key themes related to HDCs; and 3) describe the benefits and challenges related to the HDC model.
MethodsWe conducted a scoping review using the five-stage framework outlined by Arskey and O'Malley to systematically map literature on HDCs using two search streams: 1) a database and grey literature search; and 2) an internet search. We included all English records that discussed health data cooperative and related key terms. We used a thematic analysis to collate information into comprehensive themes.
ResultsThrough a comprehensive screening process, we found 22 database and grey literature records, and 13 Internet search records. Three major themes that are important to stakeholders include data ownership, data security, and data flow and infrastructure.
ConclusionsThe results of this study are an informative first step to the study of the HDC model, or an establishment of a HDC in immigrant communities.