Iran's Space Program: The Next Genie on a Bottle?
In: MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs, Band 10, Heft 3
5 Ergebnisse
In: MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs, Band 10, Heft 3
In: Middle East review of international affairs. Journal, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 15-32
ISSN: 1565-8996
World Affairs Online
In: Middle East quarterly, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 25-34
ISSN: 1073-9467
This article analyzes the threats posed by Syria's alledged weapons acuisitions & terrorist links, & discusses the implications for US foreign policy towards Syria. Four threats in particular are analyzed in detail. First, it is argued, the Syrian regime has continued its attempts to acquire sophisticated surface-to-surface missles. Second, US intelligence officials remain concerned that the Syrian government has become custodian to Iraq's biological & chemical weapons. Third, questions remain about whether Damascus benefitted from the network of Abdul Qadir Khan, the Pakistani nuclear scientist who sold nuclear secrets to a number of rogue regimes. Lastly, President Bashar al-Assad continues to flirt with international terrorism. It is argued that, left unresolved, such questions about Syrian proliferation ambitions, coupled with the regime's demonstrated willingness to use terrorism to advance its goals, will make any rapprochement between Washington & Damascus impossible. The final section of the article suggests implications for US foreign policy towards Syria. 3 Illustrations. T.K. Brown
In: Middle East quarterly, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 25-34
ISSN: 1073-9467
In: Jane's International defence review: Jane's IDR, Band 36, S. 32-39
ISSN: 1476-2129, 2048-3449