Il s'agit d'un article correspondant à un poster présenté en conférence Animal Science Days, Heilbruun, Austria, Sept 2017 Notice à Reprendre pas de clé UT ; International audience ; Study demonstrates the preliminary results of the evaluation of pork and pork products of local Slovenian (Krškopolje) and Croatian (Turopolje) pig breeds using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) conducted in the frame of European Union H2020 project TREASURE. For that purpose, samples from meat and products of two local pig breeds were collected, scanned with near infrared spectroscopy apparatus and chemically analysed (for proximate composition, fatty acids composition, proteolysis index, salt content and water activity). Data obtained were added to the database of previously collected samples and prediction models were recalibrated and reassessed. In general, NIRS calibration models are considered to be fit for purpose when the requirements (chemometric parameters) for screening purposes are met. In the present study, the quality of recalibrations using the samples from local pig breeds confirmed practical applicability for majority of studied quality traits. Further efforts are needed to enlarge the database with additional samples from local pig breeds to improve the robustness of the models and to test the calibrations on the independent sets of samples (i.e. with external validation).
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent an important contaminant group in a variety of food products. Since PAHs are commonly present in meat products, this study aimed to determine PAH content in four types of Croatian dry-cured hams (Dalmatian, Drniš, Krk and Istrian) produced by four different processing methods. Determination and quantification of PAHs were performed by High performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD). Out of 15 investigated PAHs, 13 compounds were detected. The total average benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and PAH4 levels obtained from dry-cured hams ranged from 0.05-0.10 µg/kg and 0.41-0.67 µg/kg, respectively. Even though Krk and Istrian dry-cured ham manufacturing processes do not include the smoking phase, no significant differences were found between investigated dry-cured hams in terms of BaP, PAH4, PAH8 and PAH 15 contents. The presence of detected PAHs in non-smoked dry-cured hams could be a result of the addition of spices in the salting phase. BaP and PAH4 contents found in dry-cured ham samples did not exceed the currently legal levels according to the European legislation. ; Policiklički aromatski ugljikovodici (PAH-ovi) česti su kontaminanti u prehrambenim proizvodima. S obzirom da mesni proizvodi u značajnoj mjeri mogu biti kontaminirani PAH-ovima, cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti njihov udio u četiri vrste hrvatskih pršuta. Istraživanje je provedeno na Dalmatinskom, Drniškom, Krčkom i Istarskom pršutu, čiji se tehnološki procesi proizvodnje razlikuju. Analiza PAH spojeva provedena je primjenom visokoučinkovite tekućinske kromatografije sa flourescentnom detekcijom (HPLC-FLD). Od 15 istraživanih PAH spojeva, identificirano je i kvantificirano 13 spojeva. Prosječna koncentracija benz(a)pirena (BaP) iznosila je 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, dok su prosječne količine PAH4 spojeva iznosile 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. Unatoč tome što proces proizvodnje Krčkog i Istarskog pršuta ne uključuje fazu dimljenja, nisu određene statistički značajne razlike u udjelima BaP, PAH4, PAH8 i PAH15 spojeva između svih istraživanih pršuta. Kontaminacija PAH-ovima kod nedimljenih pršuta je mogla bi biti posljedica primjene začina u fazi soljenja. Koncentracije PAH spojeva određene u uzrocima hrvatskih vrsta pršuta nisu prekoračile dopuštene razine određene trenutno važećim zakonodavstvom Europske Unije. ; Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAH) sind Kontaminate, die in Lebensmitteln häufig erscheinen. Da Fleischprodukte häufig mit polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen kontaminiert sein können, ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit, ihren Anteil in vier Sorten des kroatischen Pršut zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung wurde am Dalmatiniski, Drniški, Krčki und Istarski Pršut durchgeführt, deren Technologieverfahren sich unterscheiden. Die Analyse der polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe wurde anhand der Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatograhpie mit Fluoreszentdetektor (HPLC-FLD) vorgenommen. Von den 15 untersuchten PAH-Verbindungen wurden 13 Verbindungen identifiziert und quantifiziert. Die durchschnittliche Konzentration von Benz(a)pyren betrug 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, während eine durchschnittliche Menge von PAH4 –Verbindungen 0,41-0,67 µg/kg ermittelt wurde. Obwohl das Herstellungsverfahren des Krčki und Istarski Pršut keine Räucherungsphase umfasst, wurden keine statistisch relevanten Unterschiede bei den Anteilen der BaP-, PAH4-, PAH- und PAH15-Verbindungen bei den untersuchten Pršut festgestellt. Die Kontaminierung mit polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen bei nicht geräucherten Pršut könnte die Folge der Verwendung von Gewürzen in der Salzungsphase sein. Die Konzentration der PAH-Verbindungen, die bei den Proben der kroatischen Pršut -Sorten ermittelt wurde, überschreitet nicht die zulässigen Grenzwerte, die durch die aktuell gültige Gesetzgebung der Europäischen Union vorgeschrieben sind. ; Gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (PAH) sono frequenti agenti contaminanti nei prodotti alimentari. Poiché i prodotti a base di carne possono essere significativamente contaminati dagli PAH, questo studio aveva come scopo quello di accertare la loro presenza e la loro percentuale in quattro differenti tipi di prosciutto crudo croato. La ricerca è stata condotta su prosciutti crudi croati differenti (dalmata, di Drniš, dell'isola di Veglia e istriano) i cui processi tecnologici di produzione si differenziano l'uno dall'altro. L'analisi tendente ad accertare la presenza dei composti PAH è stata condotta con la tecnica della cromatografia liquida ad alta prestazione con rivelatori a fluorescenza (HPLC-FLD). Dei 15 PAH oggetto della ricerca, ne sono stati identificati e quantificati ben 13. È stata rilevata una concentrazione media di benzo[a]pirene (BaP) pari a 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, contro una concentrazione media di composti PAH4 pari a 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. Nonostante il fatto che il processo di produzione del prosciutto crudo dell'isola di Veglia e del prosciutto crudo istriano non preveda la fase dell'affumicamento, non sono state accertate differenze statisticamente significative nelle percentuali dei composti BaP, PAH4, PAH8 e PAH15 tra tutti i prosciutti esaminati. La presenza contaminante d'idrocarburi policiclici aromatici nei prosciutti crudi non affumicati potrebbe essere dovuta all'aggiunta di spezie nella fase della salatura. Le concentrazioni di PAH accertate nei campioni dei prosciutti crudi croati esaminati non hanno superato i livelli consentiti previsti dalla legislazione attualmente in vigore nell'Unione Europea. ; Hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) son contaminantes frecuentes en los productos alimenticios. Tomando en cuenta que los productos cárnicos pueden estar contaminados en gran medida por los HAP, el fin de este trabajo fue determinar su contenido en cuatro tipos de los jamones croatas. La investigación fue hecha en los jamones de Dalmacia, Drniš, Krk e Istria, con los procesos tecnológicos de producción diferentes. El análisis de los compuestos HAP fue hecho por la cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución con detección por fluorescencia (HPLC-FLD). Entre los 15 compuestos HAP analizados, 13 fueron identificados. La concentración media del benz(a)pireno (BaP) fue 0,05-0,10 µg/kg, mientras la cantidad media de los compuestos PAH4 fue 0,41-0,67 µg/kg. A pesar de que los procesos de producción de los jamones de Krk y de Istria no incluyen la fase del ahumado, no fueron determinadas las diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el contenido de los compuestos BaP, HAP4, HAP8 y HAP15 en todos los jamones analizados. La contaminación por los PAH de los jamones no ahumados pudo ser la consecuencia del uso de las especies en la fase de salazón. Las concentraciones de los compuestos HAP determinadas en las muestras de los jamones de Croacia no excedieron los niveles determinados por la legislación actual de la Unión Europea.
Study demonstrates the preliminary results of the evaluation of pork and pork products of local Slovenian (Krškopolje) and Croatian (Turopolje) pig breeds using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) conducted in the frame of European Union H2020 project TREASURE. For that purpose, samples from meat and products of two local pig breeds were collected, scanned with near infrared spectroscopy apparatus and chemically analysed (for proximate composition, fatty acids composition, proteolysis index, salt content and water activity). Data obtained were added to the database of previously collected samples and prediction models were recalibrated and reassessed. In general, NIRS calibration models are considered to be fit for purpose when the requirements (chemometric parameters) for screening purposes are met. In the present study, the quality of recalibrations using the samples from local pig breeds confirmed practical applicability for majority of studied quality traits. Further efforts are needed to enlarge the database with additional samples from local pig breeds to improve the robustness of the models and to test the calibrations on the independent sets of samples (i.e. with external validation).
Study demonstrates the preliminary results of the evaluation of pork and pork products of local Slovenian (Krškopolje) and Croatian (Turopolje) pig breeds using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) conducted in the frame of European Union H2020 project TREASURE. For that purpose, samples from meat and products of two local pig breeds were collected, scanned with near infrared spectroscopy apparatus and chemically analysed (for proximate composition, fatty acids composition, proteolysis index, salt content and water activity). Data obtained were added to the database of previously collected samples and prediction models were recalibrated and reassessed. In general, NIRS calibration models are considered to be fit for purpose when the requirements (chemometric parameters) for screening purposes are met. In the present study, the quality of recalibrations using the samples from local pig breeds confirmed practical applicability for majority of studied quality traits. Further efforts are needed to enlarge the database with additional samples from local pig breeds to improve the robustness of the models and to test the calibrations on the independent sets of samples (i.e. with external validation).
Study demonstrates the preliminary results of the evaluation of pork and pork products of local Slovenian (Krškopolje) and Croatian (Turopolje) pig breeds using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) conducted in the frame of European Union H2020 project TREASURE. For that purpose, samples from meat and products of two local pig breeds were collected, scanned with near infrared spectroscopy apparatus and chemically analysed (for proximate composition, fatty acids composition, proteolysis index, salt content and water activity). Data obtained were added to the database of previously collected samples and prediction models were recalibrated and reassessed. In general, NIRS calibration models are considered to be fit for purpose when the requirements (chemometric parameters) for screening purposes are met. In the present study, the quality of recalibrations using the samples from local pig breeds confirmed practical applicability for majority of studied quality traits. Further efforts are needed to enlarge the database with additional samples from local pig breeds to improve the robustness of the models and to test the calibrations on the independent sets of samples (i.e. with external validation).
Study demonstrates the preliminary results of the evaluation of pork and pork products of local Slovenian (Krškopolje) and Croatian (Turopolje) pig breeds using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) conducted in the frame of European Union H2020 project TREASURE. For that purpose samples from meat and products of two local pig breeds were collected, scanned with near infrared spectroscopy apparatus and chemically analysed (for proximate composition, fatty acids composition, proteolysis index, salt content and water activity). Data obtained were added to the database of previously collected samples and prediction models were recalibrated and reassessed. In general NIRS calibration models are considered to be fit for purpose when the requirements (chemometric parameters) for screening purposes are met. In the present study, the quality of recalibrations using the samples from local pig breeds confirmed practical applicability for majority of studied quality traits. Further efforts are needed to enlarge the database with additional samples from local pig breeds to improve the robustness of the models and to test the calibrations on the independent sets of samples (i.e. with external validation).
The aim of the study was to ascertain the acceptability of local pork products by European consumers (blind, expected and informed tests) considering the influence of the sensory properties, the expectations and the information about the product given to them. The consumer tests were performed in four cities following an agreed protocol, with products from local breeds (Negre Mallorquí, Cinta Senese, Gascon-Noir de Bigorre and Turopolje) and included traditional (TPP) and innovative products (ITPP). ; This study received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 634476 (Project acronym: TREASURE). IRTA thanks CERTA funding. The authors thank Ma José Bautista, Jaume Dilme and Agustí Quintana for their technical assistance. E. A. Rivera-Toapanta is a recipient of a doctoral fellowship awarded by the INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria). ; Postprint (updated version)
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasisand global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes mayoccur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors.In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for localpig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to testits usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approachhas been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian(Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed,faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targetingthe comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice,or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing ofthe bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis isa promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of theirproduction systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary resultswill be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreementno. 634476).
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasisand global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes mayoccur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors.In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for localpig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to testits usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approachhas been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian(Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed,faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targetingthe comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice,or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing ofthe bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis isa promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of theirproduction systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary resultswill be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreementno. 634476).
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasisand global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes mayoccur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors.In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for localpig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to testits usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approachhas been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian(Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed,faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targetingthe comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice,or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing ofthe bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis isa promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of theirproduction systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary resultswill be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreementno. 634476).
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasisand global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes mayoccur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors.In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for localpig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to testits usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approachhas been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian(Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed,faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targetingthe comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice,or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing ofthe bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis isa promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of theirproduction systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary resultswill be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreementno. 634476).
23 Pág. ; The importance of local breeds as genetic reservoirs of valuable genetic variation is well established. Pig breeding in Central and South-Eastern Europe has a long tradition that led to the formation of several local pig breeds. In the present study, genetic diversity parameters were analysed in six autochthonous pig breeds from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia (Banija spotted, Black Slavonian, Turopolje pig, Swallow-bellied Mangalitsa, Moravka and Krskopolje pig). Animals from each of these breeds were genotyped using microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The results obtained with these two marker systems and those based on pedigree data were compared. In addition, we estimated inbreeding levels based on the distribution of runs of homozygosity (ROH) and identified genomic regions under selection pressure using ROH islands and the integrated haplotype score (iHS). ; This work received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant agreement No. 634476 for the project with the acronym TREASURE, Slovenian Research Agency ARRS, research core funding number P4-0220, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agronomy and Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. ; Peer reviewed
International audience ; Unlike in modern breeds, the knowledge on performance and management of local pig breeds is very limited. These are key aspects to be developed for their successful exploitation that requires strategies adapted to their specific productive and metabolic characteristics, quite different from those of modern pig breeds, to ensure their preservation and future expansion, particularly for those more endangered. These are some of the challenges addressed by the project TREASURE. For this purpose, a series of experiments involving 11 European local breeds -differing in the level of development- have been carried out covering various and complementary aspects like nutritional requirements in different productive phases (Cinta Senese, Iberian), feeding practices involving locally available resources (Krskopolje, Schwäbisch-Hällisches, Turopolje, Mangalitsa, Bísaro, Iberian, Gascon), and innovative management and housing practices to enhance product quality or improve animal welfare (Cinta Senese, Alentejano, Bisaro, Iberian, Mangalitsa, Moravka, Krskopolje, Schwäbisch-Hällisches, Black Slavonian). All these activities have been designed to obtain essential information to develop future productive strategies for each of the involved breeds, taking into account to obtain local high-quality products, and seeking for optimum pig performance and high animal welfare conditions in the production systems under consideration. The information provided constitutes a unique and valuable set of data for the management of these breeds and the further development of local pork chains. In some cases it is the first available data for the breeds concerned. A general overview of the developed activities will be presented highlighting some of the achievements obtained. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreement no. 634476).
International audience ; TREASURE is a research and innovation project of European Union's Horizon 2020 programme which is devoted to traditional genetic resources in pig production with aim to improve their potentials for enhanced use. Studying and improving management of local pig breeds in their production systems is one of the challenges in which we address their performances and nutrition with special attention on locally available feeding resources and innovative practices aiming to improved welfare. For that purpose 15 experiments on 12 breeds were designed in the project, which are hereafter shortly presented. Their concepts and main objectives with some highlights on already available results are described.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. (24)2018; 69. Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP), Dubrovnik, HRV, 2018-08-27-2018-08-31, 489
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasis and global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes may occur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors. In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for local pig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to test its usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approach has been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian (Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed, faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targeting the comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice, or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing of the bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis is a promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of their production systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary results will be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreement no. 634476).