The Hindu Kush Himalayan Region -- Addressing Mountain Challenges
In: Environmental policy and law: the journal for decision-makers, Band 38, Heft 6
ISSN: 0378-777X
4 Ergebnisse
In: Environmental policy and law: the journal for decision-makers, Band 38, Heft 6
ISSN: 0378-777X
In: Disaster Resilience and Green Growth Ser.
In: Disaster resilience and green growth
Intro -- Foreword by the IUCN President -- From the Desk of the Chair IUCN-CEM -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1: Opportunities and Advances to Mainstream Nature-Based Solutions in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Strategy -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) -- 1.3 Global Recognition and Acceptance of NbS -- 1.4 Progress and Developments in NbS on the Science Front -- 1.4.1 Restoration of Degraded Landscapes and Natural Forests for Increasing Ecosystems Resilience -- 1.4.2 NbS to Manage Heat Islands and Flood Risks in Urban Areas -- 1.4.3 Slope Stabilisation and Reducing Landslide Risks -- 1.5 Structure of the Book -- References -- Part I: Decision Making Tools for Mainstreaming NbS -- Chapter 2: Scaling up Spring Revival in the Himalaya: Graduating from Spring-Centric to Aquifer-Centric Nature-Based Solutions -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Himalayas and Climate Change -- 2.1.2 A Paradigm Shift in Perspective -- 2.1.3 Present State of Knowledge -- 2.2 Objectives and Research Questions -- 2.3 Methods -- 2.3.1 Study Area -- 2.3.2 Landscape-Level Experiments -- 2.3.3 Environmental Isotope Study -- 2.3.4 Landscape-Level Groundwater Recharge Experiment -- 2.4 Results -- 2.4.1 Environment Isotope Study -- 2.4.2 Landscape-Level Groundwater Recharge -- 2.5 Discussions -- 2.5.1 Aquifers Characteristics and Inequity in Groundwater Storage -- 2.5.2 Mountain Aquifers Super-Sensitive to Precipitation Patterns -- 2.5.3 Visualizing the Aquifers Systems -- 2.5.4 Recharge Implications -- 2.6 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 3: Ecosystem-Based Integrated and Participatory Watershed Management -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Literature Review -- 3.3 Ecosystem-Based Watershed Management Approach -- 3.4 Importance of Ecosystem Approach to Watershed Management.
In: Development in practice, Band 18, Heft 6, S. 779-788
ISSN: 1364-9213
In: Society and natural resources, Band 24, Heft 12, S. 1322-1334
ISSN: 1521-0723