Der 1926 gegründete Nordische Ring hatte zum Ziel, alle Gruppierungen der Nordischen Bewegung zu sammeln und den von Hans F. K. Günther konzipierten Nordischen Gedanken zur herrschenden Ideologie in Deutschland zu machen. Bis zur Gleichschaltung durch Eingliederung in die Nordische Gesellschaft 1936 konnte der Nordische Ring nicht nur weit reichende Kontakte zu adeligen und völkischen Kreisen, sondern auch zur NSDAP aufbauen. Daneben spielte die von Günther forcierte Zusammenarbeit mit norwegischen Rassenforschern eine wichtige Rolle für die Zielsetzung des Nordischen Ringes, der hoffte, den Nordischen Gedanken langfristig auch in Norwegen und den anderen skandinavischen Ländern etablieren zu können. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Nordischen Ringes bis zu seiner Gleichschaltung mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Verbindungen zu norwegischen Rassenforschern. ; Nordischer Ring [Nordic Ring], founded in 1926, aimed to unite all groups in the Nordic Movement and to make the Nordic Thought, drafted by Hans F. K. Günther, to the leading ideology in Germany. Until the enforced political conformity of Nordischer Ring through incorporation into Nordische Gesellschaft [Nordic Society] in 1936, Nordischer Ring was able to build up far-reaching contacts not only to völkisch circles and among the nobility, but also to the NSDAP. In addition, the collaboration, advanced by Günther, of Norwegian researchers on the topic of race played an important role for the goals of Nordischer Ring, which hoped, in a long term perspective, to be able to establish the Nordic Thought in Norway and the other Scandinavian countries. This article traces the emergence and development of Nordischer Ring until its incorporation with a special focus on the contacts with Norwegian researchers on the topic of race.
"Der 1926 gegründete Nordische Ring hatte zum Ziel, alle Gruppierungen der Nordischen Bewegung zu sammeln und den von Hans F.K. Günther konzipierten Nordischen Gedanken zur herrschenden Ideologie in Deutschland zu machen. Bis zur Gleichschaltung durch Eingliederung in die Nordische Gesellschaft 1936 konnte der Nordische Ring nicht nur weit reichende Kontakte zu adeligen und völkischen Kreisen, sondern auch zur NSDAP aufbauen. Daneben spielte die von Günther forcierte Zusammenarbeit mit norwegischen Rassenforschern eine wichtige Rolle für die Zielsetzung des Nordischen Ringes, der hoffte, den Nordischen Gedanken langfristig auch in Norwegen und den anderen skandinavischen Ländern etablieren zu können. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Nordischen Ringes bis zu seiner Gleichschaltung mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Verbindungen zu norwegischen Rassenforschern." (Autorenreferat)
"Nordic Fascism is the first comprehensive history in English of fascism in the Nordic countries. Transnational cooperation between radical nationalists has especially been the case in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, where fascism has not only developed through interdependent processes but through interactions between and beyond national boundaries, and where "racial relationship" has been a core argument. With chapters ranging from the inception of fascism in the interwar years up to the present day, this book offers the first fragments of an entangled history of Nordic fascism. It illuminates how The North occupies a special place in the fascist imagination, articulating ideas about the Nordic people resisting the supposed cultural degeneration, replacement, or annihilation of the white race. The authors map ideological exchange between fascist organisations in the Nordic countries and outline past and present attempts at pan-Nordic state building. This book will appeal to scholars of fascism and Nordic history, and readers interested in the general history of fascism"--
The term extreme right, despite an agreed upon definition, continues to be in common usage, and is frequently employed in political discourse, in the media, and in academic debates. This volume presents a broad range of movements, political parties and persons, all of them representing positions and continuities within the framework of the extreme right in the space of a century. The contributions all bring new knowledge and perspectives, and give an insight into current research in a number of fields, ranging from the end of the First World War to the first decades of the 21st century
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"Nordic Fascism is the first comprehensive history in English of fascism in the Nordic countries. Transnational cooperation between radical nationalists has especially been the case in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, where fascism has not only developed through interdependent processes but through interactions between and beyond national boundaries, and where "racial relationship" has been a core argument. With chapters ranging from the inception of fascism in the interwar years up to the present day, this book offers the first fragments of an entangled history of Nordic fascism. It illuminates how The North occupies a special place in the fascist imagination, articulating ideas about the Nordic people resisting the supposed cultural degeneration, replacement, or annihilation of the white race. The authors map ideological exchange between fascist organisations in the Nordic countries and outline past and present attempts at pan-Nordic state building. This book will appeal to scholars of fascism and Nordic history, and readers interested in the general history of fascism"--