The Southern European social model: changes and continuities in recent decades
In: Discussion paper 174
10 Ergebnisse
In: Discussion paper 174
In: Macht oder ökonomisches Gesetz?: zum Zusammenhang von Krise und Geschlecht, S. 187-205
Die Verfasserin erörtert die wichtigsten sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Krise und des Sparpakets und fragt nach geschlechtsspezifischen Auswirkungen. Sodann werden die Erfolge und Schwachstellen des kapitalistischen Wachstumsmodells in Griechenland von 1994 bis 2008 sowie dessen Zusammenbruch mit Aufkommen der globalen Finanzkrise kurz umrissen. Der dritte Abschnitt analysiert das logische Grundprinzip sowie die Ziele und Maßnahmen des wirtschaftlichen Anpassungsprogramms der EU und die desaströsen wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen des angewandten politischen Rezeptes. Im abschließenden vierten Abschnitt werden Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen nach genderspezifischen Gesichtspunkten analysiert und die geschlechtsspezifischen Auswirkungen der wichtigsten finanziellen Konsolidierungsmaßnahmen aufgezeigt. Den Abschluss bildet eine Diskussion des neuen, auf mehrere Jahre angelegten Programms, das sich noch in der Planungsphase befindet und die Fundamente des gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts und der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit weiter aushöhlen wird. (ICE2)
In: International labour review, Band 147, Heft 1, S. 43-70
ISSN: 1564-913X
Abstract.Over the past 20 years or so, the southern European model has undergone substantial change in every way. The changes in industrial relations, wage‐setting and employment protection legislation have tended to increase wage and labour flexibility and restrict labour market segmentation. Changes within the welfare state have sought to improve labour force skills, fill gaps in social protection, reduce inequalities in social security and contain social expenditure growth. Yet institutional change has not eliminated the main features of this model: pronounced labour market segmentation and familialism; however, extremely low fertility rates are indicative of the limits of familialism in the near future.
In: Revista internacional del trabajo, Band 127, Heft 1, S. 47-77
ISSN: 1564-9148
Resumen.A lo largo de los últimos decenios han cambiado sustancialmente muchos aspectos del modelo social de Europa meridional. Los cambios acaecidos en las rela‐ciones labor ales, la fijación de los salarios y las leyes de protección del empleo han aumentado por lo general los salarios y laflexibilidad laboral y han atenuado elfrac‐cionamiento del mercado de trabajo. El Estado de bienestar ha procurado mejorar la formación profesional de los trabajadores, colmar las lagunas y disminuir las desi‐gualdades de la protección social, y moderar el alza del gasto social. Estos cambios institucionales no han acabado totalmente con los dos rasgos principales del modelo, es decir, un gran fraccionamiento del mercado de trabajo y un «familismo» intenso, pero el descenso de la natalidad a cifras mínimas anuncia el declive inminente del segundo.
In: Revue internationale du travail, Band 147, Heft 1, S. 47-76
ISSN: 1564-9121
Résumé.Ces dernières décennies, tous les aspects du modèle social de l'Europe méridionale ont connu de profonds changements. L'évolution de la législation relative aux relations professionnelles, à la fixation des salaires et à la protection de l'emploi a contribuéà accroître la flexibilité salariale et du travail, et à limiter la segmentation du marché du travail. L'évolution du système de protection sociale a viséà améliorer les qualifications de la main‐d'æuvre, à combler les lacunes de la protection sociale, à réduire les inégalités de la sécurité sociale et à contenir la hausse des dépenses sociales. Les changements institutionnels n'ont pas supprimé les principales caractéristiques du modèle, à savoir une segmentation du marché du travail et un familialisme marqués, mais la grève des naissances laisse entrevoir les limites du familialisme dans un proche avenir.
In: International labour review, Band 147, Heft 1, S. 43-70
ISSN: 0020-7780
In: Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics, 11
Austerity has become the new principle for public policy in Europe and the US as the financial crisis of 2008 has been converted into a public debt crisis. However, current austerity measures risk losing past progress towards gender equality by undermining important employment and social welfare protections and putting gender equality policy onto the back burner. This volume identifies how the economic crisis and the subsequent austerity policies are affecting women in Europe and the US, tracing the consequences for gender equality in employment and welfare systems in nine case studies from countries facing the most severe adjustment problems.
Job insecurity has been gaining research and policy attention throughout the two last decades. However, its definition and conceptualisation remain open questions within the relevant literature. When it comes to measuring early job insecurity and patterns of school-to-work transition, several methodological approaches have been proposed. Methods and variables largely depend on existing data sources. National databases have been developed in a significantly uneven way hindering comparability between different countries. Despite the existence of internationally comparable datasets that cover the EU and EEA countries, these datasets are characterised by specific limitations and constraints that render the detection of comparable transition patterns a difficult yet extremely challenging task. ; Early job insecurity in Europe: Mapping diversity and the impact of the economic crisis - NEGOTIATE WP3
In: European journal of social security, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 202-225
ISSN: 2399-2948
The sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone and increased pressures for 'structural reform' have led to a period of intensive change in labour market policy in Southern Europe. Examining the cases of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy, this article focuses on the security of labour market insiders, a key group in labour markets that is highly segmented. The security of labour market insiders is conceptualised as consisting of security in employment (protection against dismissals) and security in unemployment (protection against drops in income provided by unemployment insurance and assistance). Using changes in national laws, the article charts and compares labour market change along these two dimensions across these four Southern European countries. Because labour market reform has not been restricted to Southern Europe, the article also compares these developments to broader changes in the countries of the Eurozone, using OECD and MISSOC data. Having demonstrated the degree to which the security of labour market insiders has diminished, the article concludes with an agenda for research on the policy dynamics of Southern European labour market reform in the wake of the financial crisis.
The aim of this report is to analyse employment segregation for women and men in the European labour market at both the sectoral and occupational levels. It provides a comparative analysis of trends in segregation across the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and examines the root causes of the phenomenon, the consequences, and current and desirable policy responses. Gender-based employment segregation is so pervasive that distinctions have multiplied in order to facilitate analysis: occupational versus sectoral segregation, overall or horizontal versus vertical segregation, vertical versus hierarchical segregation. Horizontal segregation is understood as under- (over-) representation of a given group in occupations or sectors, not ordered by any criterion, and is often referred to as segregation tout court. Vertical segregation denotes the under- (over-) representation of the group in occupations or sectors at the top of an ordering based on 'desirable' attributes — income, prestige, job stability, etc. Finally, hierarchical segregation stands for under- (over-) representation of the group at the top of occupation-specific ladders. All forms of gender-based segregation are considered in this report, although overall and vertical segregation in occupations receive closest attention. The first part of the report examines levels and change in overall segregation in European countries (Chapter 1). It goes on to review the most important factors that impinge on segregation (Chapter 2) and to assess three main implications, namely undervaluation of women's work, confinement in 'low quality' jobs, and skill shortages (Chapter 3). Policies are reviewed and assessed in Chapter 4. The second part of the report summarises the highlights from case-study research conducted at national level on 10 occupational groups, the evidence from this research being used as a reference throughout the report. ; peer-reviewed