Potential of the City of Belgrade's urban areas and establishment of institutional, strategic and planning framework for utilization of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency within the City of Belgrade ; Potencijal urbanog područja Grada Beograda i uspostavljanje institucionalnog, strateško...
The paper analyzes the potential of renewable energy sources within the area of City of Belgrade, and explores the possibilities of their further implementation in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, in line with mandatory EU Directives. A synergetic approach has been proposed in the recommendations for the implementation of goals/targets and policies in the fields of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the City of Belgrade. They put an emphasis on the importance of implementation of the strategic documents of the City. Recommendations on have been provided regarding the required institutional preconditions that have to be met in order for these goals to be achieved, as well as urbanistic and building design-related measures/standards in achieving energy efficiency. ; U radu su analizirani potencijali obnovljivih izvora energije područja Grada Beograda i istražene mogućnosti njihove dalje implementacije u oblasti obnovljivih izvora energije i energetske efkasnosti, u skladu sa obavezujućim dirketivama EU. Predložen je sinergijski pristup u preporukama za implementaciju ciljeva i politika Grada Beograda u oblasti obnovljivih izvora energije i energetske efkasnosti, sa naglaskom na važnosti implementacije strateških dokumenata grada. Dati su predlozi potrebnih institucionalnih preduslova za realizaciju ciljeva u oblasti kao i urbanističke i projektantske mere u postizanju energetske efikasnosti.