Global stock market development: quantitative and behavioural analysis
In: Banking, money and international finance 26
In: Taylor & Francis eBooks
778 Ergebnisse
In: Banking, money and international finance 26
In: Taylor & Francis eBooks
Dedication -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Introduction: Interpreting America's Two Constitutions-Looking Through an Environmental Lens -- Notes -- Part I: Environmental Politics and Our Written Constitution -- Chapter 2: The Scope and Limits of Mainstream Environmentalism -- The Anti-Environmental Cornucopians -- The Libertarian Free Marketeers -- Reform Environmentalism -- Environmental Economics -- Mainstream Sustainable Development -- Conclusion: Beyond the Mainstream -- Notes -- Chapter 3: Radical Environmentalism: Challenging Our Institutions and Beliefs
In: MPIfG discussion paper 2011,10
In: Les grandes leçons de philosophie
In: (Tow. nauk. Katol. Uniw. lubelskiego. Rozprawy Wydziału nauk społecznych 4)
In: European research studies, Band XXVII, Heft Special Issue A, S. 290-300
ISSN: 1108-2976
In: Przegląd historyczno-wojskowy: PHW ; kwartalnik, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 12-36
The article is a supplement to two parts of the biography of Lisowczycy's colonel Idzi Kalinowski (? – ca. 1627) published a few years ago. Based on a wide source base, it was possible to establish a number of facts and correct some of the claims of earlier literature. The content of the text discusses the life of this commander against the background of the history of his formation in the years 1623–1624. It covers the period from the enlistment of Kalinowski's regiment by Emperor Ferdinand II (December 1623) to its return to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (September 1624).
In: Climate policy, Band 24, Heft 3, S. 281-296
ISSN: 1752-7457
In: International political science review: the journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) = Revue internationale de science politique, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 48-63
ISSN: 1460-373X
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of international studies, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 248-258
ISSN: 2306-3483
In: International political science review: the journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) = Revue internationale de science politique, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 48-63
ISSN: 1460-373X
South Korea is the seventh largest emitter of CO2 and its climate-change mitigation policies are clearly insufficient. At the same time, the country has been very ambitious in implementing industrial policies promoting green technologies and international initiatives to support greenhouse gas mitigation in developing countries. What explains this discrepancy between weak emission goals and strong investments in green technology as well as ambitions to become a green 'global leader'? This article argues that the specific character of Korean climate policies can be understood in the context of Korea's legacy as a developmental state characterized by strong corporatist links between state and business as well as a weak civil society.