Teaching international humanitarian law in academic institutions in South Asia: An overview of an ICRC dissemination programme
In: Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge: débat humanitaire, droit, politiques, action = International Review of the Red Cross, Band 83, Heft 841, S. 167-169
ISSN: 1607-5889
The 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols require
States Parties to disseminate the content of these humanitarian treaties as
widely as possible in their respective countries. Of course, their inclusion
in military instruction is indispensable to ensure their implementation in
time of armed conflict. But it is equally important to promote knowledge of
humanitarian law among those whom it is intended to protect — the civilian
population — as well as among those who have to apply it — public officials
of various ministries. At the same time, political leaders and
decision-makers must also be familiar with that law, so that they are aware
of its relevance, realism and mode of operation if and when a conflict
should break out. Therefore, to ensure respect for it — and also to promote
its development — it is an essential task to include international
humanitarian law in higher education. The ICRC has taken a number of steps
to achieve just that in the South Asian region.