Enhancing Waterborne Diseases in Pakistan & Their Possible Control
In Waterborne disease, water is a carrier of either infectious entities or of chemicals. Recently reported Pakistani data highlights that conditions of both drinking water supply and sanitation are still not satisfactory in urban and rural areas. Aquatic reservoirs of Pakistan are also contaminated so indirectly cause broad spectrum waterborne ailments e.g. gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting, renal and dermal ailments. Leading causes of water linked disorders are unsafe domestic water usage, unprotected water sources, unawareness of sanitation practice, poor management of water treatment, monsoon season and flooding and global warming. It is need of the time that the government of Pakistan should organize new waste water treatment plants and repair of existing ones to provide safer water for consumption. Although currently, reverse osmosis membranes are in use but they are costly and also not fully effective and it is better to plan their replacement by carbon nanotubes. Moreover, waterborne diseases can be minimized in three ways in Pakistan and in other developing countries by improving quality and quantity of drinking water and by safer sewage disposal along with provision of low cost and proper sanitation facilities.