The Impact of EU Nanotechnology Risk Regulation on Non-EU Countries: The Case of Israel's Policy Reform for Cosmetic Products
In: European journal of risk regulation: EJRR ; at the intersection of global law, science and policy, S. 1-14
ISSN: 2190-8249
The impact of the European Union (EU) in strengthening nanotechnology risk regulation in non-EU countries is still an under-researched topic. This article focuses on the EU's influence on its trading partners, using the case study of Israel, which in 2023 adopted restrictions on nanotechnology in cosmetics products following the EU. It is argued that EU risk regulation have been both a trigger and a formative factor for the development of Israeli nanomaterials restrictions. The importance and economic interdependence in the EU market for cosmetics has prompted a response from Israeli policymakers. In addition, the EU regulatory capacity through its expertise and sanctioning authority have influenced the Israeli regulatory agenda. The article shows that the impact of EU regulation also coincided with domestic economic factors, concerns about technology policy and policymakers' preference for stringent standards. Israel's risk regulation of nanomaterials in cosmetics provides a useful case study for analyzing the EU's regulatory impact on its trading partners. Once again, stricter EU's health and safety regulation drives those of its trading partner upward.