First g(2+) measurement on neutron-rich 72Zn, and the high-velocity transient field technique
The high-velocity transient-field (HVTF) technique was used to measure the g factor of the 2+ state of 72Zn produced as a radioactive beam. The transient-field strength was probed at high velocity in ferromagnetic iron and gadolinium hosts using 76Ge beams. The potential of the HVTF method is demonstrated and the difficulties that need to be overcome for a reliable use of the TF technique with high-Z, high-velocity radioactive beams are revealed. The polarization of K-shell vacancies at high velocity, which shows more than an order of magnitude difference between Z=20 and Z=30 is discussed. The g-factor measurement hints at the theoretically predicted transition in the structure of the Zn isotopes near N=40. ©2012 American Physical Society ; This work was supported by the EU FP6 contract no. EURONS N◦RII3-CT-2004-506065, by the IAP Program, P6/23 BriX, Belgian Science Policy, by the Bulgarian Science Fund DID-02/16 and DFNR-02/5, by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under contract nos. FPA2007-66069 and FPA2009-13377-C02-02, the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-00042), and by the AustralianResearch Council Discovery Grant No. DP0773273.The work of E.F. has been supported in part by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI. ; Peer Reviewed