In: Utama, I Gusti Bagus Rai., Junaedi, I Wayan Ruspendi. (2019). LANDSCAPE AS AN OUTDOOR RECREATION FORM IN BLIMBINGSARI JEMBRANA, BALI, INDONESIA. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research. Vol. 3, No. 05; 2019
This study is about tourist's motivation to visit Blimbingsari Village, Jembrana, in West Bali. This study has aim to determine the push factors, and pulls factors to visit Blimbingsari Village. The respondents are 100 people. Based on their genders, there are 46% male and 54% female. Domestic tourists are 46%, and 28% Australian, and the other nationalities. Student visitors are 28%, 18% are retired, and 64% are workers in various sectors. The result of structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis indicates that the push factor correlation has not significantly affect to the tourist visiting to the Tourism Village of Blimbingsari. The correlations between attractiveness factors have significantly affect to the tourist visiting to the Tourism Village of Blimbingsari. Therefore, the management of Blimbingsari Tourism Village maybe directed to highlight the attractiveness of the village e.g. the uniqueness of the village, the village community activities, culture or traditions, natural beauty of the village, the availability of lodging, culinary, public facilities, visitor center, distance from the airport, the distance from the capital, and availability of transport.
In this research is focused on tourist behavior and the local communities on the demand of agro tourism development. The study is aimed at formulating the best model to develop agro tourism in Bali. The model tourist attraction is expected by the rating is community activities, plantation area, and village's uniqueness. On the amenities, the tourist expect amenities which include, among others: local accommodations, tracking area, places to gain knowledge and experience, places to rest and relax, escape area, places to meet people and interaction, places to escape the daily routine, learning experiences, and new places. On the accessibility, the tourists rate that the distance of the village of Blimbingsari as the barriers factor, and difficult to reach by public transport. In addition to a considerable distance, the path that must be passed to the Village Blimbingsari also includes the busy lanes and frequent traffic jams. The results of the research that has been done indicates that Blimbingsari tourism village been managed well which is evident from their local community involvement as tourism committee, guide services or travel agents link, local guide services that handling by tourism committee, and government support by Regent licensee.
Village tourism the one of strategy to solve the problem of poverty in the village. Constraints such as infrastructure are still lacking and information about Setulang Tourism Village is still limited yet, this research was conducted to find out the development strategies that exist at Setulang Tourism Village. There are 3 respondents of the SWOT analysis, techniques to getting data by interviewing, documenting and filling out the questionnaires. There are 4A internal variables, accessibility, the distance of location and transportation facilities, attractions, namely arts and cultural activities, the pure of forest and handicrafts, ancillary namely local organizations and government, and amenities, which are available of homestays. External variables are socio-cultural, competition, law, economy, security and threats. 9 indicators of internal variable,there are 2 weaknesses namely community handicrafts and transportation facilities. 10 indicators of external variable there are two threats, namely same of tourist attractions and the convenience of tourists to visiting. In the SWOT analysis there are IE, IFAS / EFAS, and SWOT matrix. IFAS results obtained 3.22 while the number of EFAS 2.97. Matrix of IE, Setulang Tourism Village in 2018 is high or strong. This research shows several indicators that Setulang Tourism Village needs to improve to become a tourist destination and hopefully it can be an advice for the future. Keywords : Definition of Tourism Village, Sample Determination Method, SWOT Analysis
In: Utama, I.G.B.R., Junaedi, I.W.R., Krismawintari, N.P.D. (2023). The Bali ecotourism destination management to create local small business. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 3439-3447.
Beras di Indonesia diposisikan sebagai komoditas strategis, baik dari sisi ekonomis maupun sosial politis, karena beras merupakan bahan pangan pokok bagi 95% penduduk Indonesia, menyediakan kesempatan kerja dan sumber pendapatan bagi sekitar 21 juta rumahtangga tani, dan sekitar 30% dari total pengeluaran rumahtangga miskin dialokasikan untuk beras. Usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) merupakan suatu usaha yang berperan penting dalam perekonomian nasional. Pada saat ini UMKM gencar dijalankan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah yang menjalankan usaha tersebut adalah Karawang, salah satunya pada bidang usaha pemasaran beras. Strategi pemasaran adalah suatu wujud rencana untuk menentukan keberhasilan suatu perusahaan dalam memasarkan produknya. UMKM Masyarkat Adat Papua merupakan salah satu pabrik penggilingan padi. Usaha ini ingin memperluas pangsa pasar mereka. Oleh sebab itu strategi pemasaran yang tepat diperlukan dari hasil pemahaman kekuatan dan kelemahan, serta peluang dan ancaman guna memperluas wilayah distribusinya sampai keluar wilayahnya. identifikasi risiko adalah langkah pertama untuk mengetahui masalah pemasaran operasional di industri hilir teh PTPN VIII. Dengan menggunakan Z-Score dan Value at Risk (VAR) Metode, itu akan menunjukkan hasil probabilitas dan dampak pemasaran risiko operasional. Preventif dan strategi mitigasi dapat menangani perusahaan ini untuk pertumbuhan up penjualan diharapkan
In: International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 1(1), 01–07. Retrieved from
In: Utama, I. G. B. R., Junaedi, I. W. R. ., Krismawintari, N. P. D. ., Pramono, J. ., & Laba, I. N. . (2020). New Normal Acceleration Strategy for Bali Tourism Destination Recovery with E-Tourism and Special Health Protocol for the Tourism Sector. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 10(1), 156–166. https
In: UTAMA, I Gusti Bagus Rai et al. Exploring Key Indicators of Community Involvement in Ecotourism Management. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 808-817, june 2021. ISSN 2068-7729