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89 Ergebnisse
In: Fischer-Taschenbücher 18031
In: I Robinson
In: Letture
In: Fischer-Taschenbuch 19168
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- CHAPTER ONE. Decline and Fall -- CHAPTER TWO. In the Light of Experience -- CHAPTER THREE. Resistance and Revenge -- CHAPTER FOUR. What Is Political Justice? -- CHAPTER FIVE. Show Trials -- CHAPTER SIX. The Blind Force of History -- CHAPTER SEVEN. Today Things Are Clear -- CHAPTER EIGHT. The Sacrifices of the Russian People -- CHAPTER NINE. About the East We Can Do Nothing -- CHAPTER TEN. America Has Gone Mad -- CHAPTER ELEVEN. We Must Not Disillusion the Workers -- CHAPTER TWELVE. Liberalism, There Is the Enemy -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN. Gesia Dei per Francos -- CHAPTER FOURTEEN. Europe and the French Intellectuals -- Conclusion: Goodbye to All That? -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- Index
Departing from the usual emphasis on an urban and industrial context for the rise of socialism, Socialism in Provence 1871-1914 offers instead a reinterpretation of the early years of Marxist socialism in France among the peasantry. By focusing on a limited period and a particular region, Judt provides an account both of the character of political behavior in the countryside and of the history of left-wing politics in France
Unlike most books, which treat labor, Socialist and Communist history separately and view French Marxism as a self-contained philosophical phenomenon, Marxism and the French Left offers a refreshingly different approach to the subject. Judt emphasizes the complex and interwoven themes that unify the topics of his essays to construct a distinctive and original interpretation of French left-wing politics over the past 150 years. "A well-informed and persuasive reinterpretation of the old French Left that is now receding beyond recall, except for historians."- Times Literary Supplement
Unlike most books, which treat labor, Socialist and Communist history separately and view French Marxism as a self-contained philosophical phenomenon, Marxism and the French Left offers a refreshingly different approach to the subject. Judt emphasizes the complex and interwoven themes that unify the topics of his essays to construct a distinctive and original interpretation of French left-wing politics over the past 150 years. "A well-informed and persuasive reinterpretation of the old French Left that is now receding beyond recall, except for historians."--Times Literary Supplement
Departing from the usual emphasis on an urban and industrial context for the rise of socialism, Socialism in Provence 1871-1914 offers instead a reinterpretation of the early years of Marxist socialism in France among the peasantry. By focusing on a limited period and a particular region, Judt provides an account both of the character of political behavior in the countryside and of the history of left-wing politics in France.
In: A Penguin book
In: History
Klappentext: Europe in 1945 was prostrate. Much of the continent was devastated by war, mass slaughter, bombing and chaos. Large areas of Eastern Europe were falling under Soviet control, exchanging one despotism for another. Today, the Soviet Union is no more and the democracies of the European Union reach as far as the borders of Russia itself. Postwar tells the rich and complex story of how we got from there to here. Running right up to the Iraq war and the election of Benedict XVI, Postwar makes sense of Europe's recent history and identity, of what Europe is and has been. It is nothing less than a masterpiece. Shortlisted for the Pulitzer and Samuel Johnson Prizes. Winner of the Arthur Ross Book Award.