65 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Close encounters of empire: writing the cultural history of U.S.-Latin American relations
In: American encounters: global interactions
The Mexico reader: history, culture, politics
In: The Latin America readers
Reclaiming the political in Latin American history: essays from the north
In: American encounters
The continuing challenge of border crossing: a response to Marcelo Casals' commentary
In: Cold war history, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 373-377
ISSN: 1743-7962
Border crossings and the remaking of Latin American Cold War Studies
In: Cold war history, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 141-170
ISSN: 1743-7962
Mexicans in Revolution, 1910–1946: An Introduction ‐ edited by Beezley, William H. and MacLachlan, Colin M
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 32, Heft 3, S. 370-371
ISSN: 1470-9856
PAUL K. EISS: In the Name of El Pueblo: Place, Community, and the Politics of History in Yucatán. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010
In: Estudios interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe: EIAL, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 157-159
ISSN: 2226-4620
The fulcrum of Paul Eiss' provocative volume-—and the concept that facilitates his interwoven understanding of community, popular politics, state formation, indigenous identity and memory-—is his interrogation of the term "el pueblo." Previously scholars across a range of disciplines have privileged one or another of its connotations, emphasizing either a particular village or place; or focusing more abstractly on the notion of local or broader community; or equating the term with popular politics (as in, most famously, the slogan "el pueblo unido jamás será vencido!").
'Resocializing' Latin American Banditry: A Reply
In: Latin American research review: LARR ; the journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Band 26, Heft 1, S. 161
ISSN: 0023-8791
"Resocializing" Latin American Banditry: A Reply
In: Latin American research review, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 161-174
ISSN: 1542-4278
On the trail of Latin American bandits: A reexamination of peasant resistance
In: Latin American research review: LARR ; the journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Band 25, Heft 3, S. 7-53
ISSN: 0023-8791
World Affairs Online
On the Trail of Latin American Bandits: A Reexamination of Peasant Resistance
In: Latin American research review: LARR, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 7-53
ISSN: 1542-4278
In his acclaimed synthesis of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, Alan Knight observed that "the social bandit's career in Academe has somewhat paralleled his life under the greenwood tree. Introduced by Professor Hobsbawm, he was initially welcomed, even feted, and he put in many appearances in academic company; but then (inevitably, after such uncritical acceptance) some academics grew leery, and the recent trend-especially among experts—has been to qualify, de-emphasise and even deny his role."
The Fragile Revolution: Cacique Politics and Revolutionary Process in YucatA!n
In: Latin American research review: LARR ; the journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Band 15, Heft 1, S. 41
ISSN: 0023-8791