Anthrax undervalued zoonosis
International audience ; Anthrax is a non-contagious disease, known since ancient times but it became a matter of global public interest after the bioterrorist attacks in the U.S.A. during the autumn of 2001. The concern of politicians and civil authorities everywhere towards this emergency necessitated a significant research effort and the prevention of new bioterrorist acts. But anthrax is primarily a disease that affects livestock and wildlife; its distribution is worldwide; and it can represent a danger to humans but especially when it occurs in areas considered to be free and in atypical seasons and climatic conditions. The atypicality of the phenomenon may lead health workers to misdiagnosis and, consequently, an inappropriate management of affected carcasses with a consequent and inevitable increase in the risk of human infection. This paper emphasizes the importance of increasing attention to this zoonosis. The biggest risk is its underestimation.