In: Anthropos: internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde : international review of anthropology and linguistics : revue internationale d'ethnologie et de linguistique, Band 114, Heft 2, S. 417-436
Engaging with a superficially simple folktale from the Kuni of Papua New Guinea, I identify a number of far-flung and quasi-universal themes as well as some widely distributed Melanesian ones. I suggest the main function of the etiological folktale is to obviate aspects of everyday existence, then to restore and reaffirm them. I attribute the grip of etiological tales, more generally, to a human drive for explanation. An added attraction for the Kuni is the sense of solidarity gained in public semi-ritualised retellings. Finally, I analyse some of the 'inside' meanings contained in this tale of Kolukolu and the Moon.
In: Jones , A 2018 , Social Mobility within the Architects' Profession - A report by Alan Jones to the Board of The Royal Institute of British Architects. (Thought leadership) Increasing the understanding and engagement with social mobility within our profession and institute . Royal Institute of British Architects , London .
Context of report Following a proposal from Alan Jones at RIBA Board it was agreed in the November 2017 Board meeting of The Royal Institute of British Architects that he could progress the topic of Social Mobility with the RIBA Policy team. This paper has been created to outline the issues around social mobility and its relationship with government and the professions. The paper has been structured around a variety of sources to encourage discussion as to how the RIBA may wish to broaden its understanding and engagement with social mobility. Extract from paper: Background Over recent months the need for the RIBA to increase awareness and action around Social Mobility has been raised by Alan Jones in RIBA Council, RIBA Board and RIBA Education Committee. In the RIBA Board meeting of 16th November 2017, it was agreed that Alan Jones should work with the RIBA Policy Unit to explore social mobility and its relevance to the RIBA. This paper has been created in the style of a "reader", with Appendix A containing a collection of quotes and sources that together highlight the increasing focus within the United Kingdom on social mobility and implies relevance across many aspects of the RIBA, to its strategy and direction, the current membership and the future profession. All quoted text is in italics and links to publications and resources are indicated thus. A first draft of this paper was initially reviewed by Yemi Aladerun, RIBA Council with her suggested additions incorporated into a second draft circulated to senior members of RIBA Board. Alan Jones and Andrew Forth, Head of RIBA Policy and Public Affairs have reviewed the paper and agreed the recommendations presented. Proposed Recommendations It seems appropriate to identify the proposed recommendations at this point to give each reader a perspective on the main body of the paper. 1 For this paper to be considered within various sectors of RIBA to discuss and determine the need to increase the understanding and engagement with social mobility within our profession and institute: Architects for Change BATB - in relation to the Schools Outreach Programme Education Membership, Nations and Regions Practice RIBA Chief Executives Office / Policy Unit in relation to how the legal, accountancy and engineering institutes have been and are addressing social mobility RIBA HR Department - in relation to recruitment and social mobility policies / strategies Each Vice President / Chair / Director / Executive / Head leading the area highlighted will ensure a written summary of the discussion, conclusions and potential future actions (immediate, low cost and longer term) is created in time for (2) below. 2 A second paper should to be brought to Board on social mobility by July 2018 latest. This report would comprise of the summaries within (1) with discussion, conclusion and agreement on presentation to RIBA Council for consideration. 3 The RIBA should add a social mobility information request to each membership application and renewal, in accordance with questionnaire template contained within The Social Mobility Toolkit for the Professions, published by Professions for Good, 2012.
Following a decade since privatisation during which attempts at introducing competition for water services have been slow and somewhat ineffective, the government is now carrying out a review. Large‐volume users have a thirst for water competition brought about by competition in other utilities. The economic regulator needs to allow a new contestable market for industrial water services to develop whilst major structural and legislative changes to facilitate competition are contemplated.
The author is Chairman of the Cambridgeshire Society for the Blind and was formerly Director of Social Services in Cambridgeshire. He works now for a leading firm of management consultants. At a recent meeting, organised by the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, be brought the light of his present experaence in advising local authorities on the possible implementation of the government's community care policies and the Griffith's recommendations to bear on the particular problems in provision of services to the visually impaired.
There is now a substantial literature on the concept of rational decisionmaking and a number of studies concerned with the application of rationality to particular cases and areas. The basis of the rational model of policy-making is that it involves the selection of alternatives which lead to the achievement of previously designated goals, and that the process is characterised by search and evaluation. H. A. Simon's classic work (Simon, 1957) focused attention on the goal-oriented nature of organisational behaviour, while Allison, approaching the concept from the analysis of foreign policy, chose the rational as one of his three models, drawing attention to a lengthy tradition, based on national interests, upon which such an approach rests (Allison, 1971). Others have developed the study of 'policy science' based on 'a main effort to reassert the role of intellectualism and rationalism in guiding human destiny' (Dror, 1971), or have offered advice on a range of techniques or strategies which might improve the objective rationality of public policy (Wildavsky, 1966; Garrett, 1972). Heclo, in a seminal review article, categorised a programmatic approach which seeks to 'identify policy with a set of programme choices, among which is sought the most efficient means of employing scarce resources' (Heclo, 1972).
In: Political science quarterly: a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study and analysis of government, politics and international affairs ; PSQ, Band 81, Heft 4, S. 602-627