Book Review of Cook, Sharon A. and Carson, Margaret. (2022). The Castleton Massacre: Survivors' Stories of the Killins Femicide. Toronto: Dundurn Press
In: Canadian journal of family and youth: CJFY, S. 337-340
ISSN: 1718-9748
51 Ergebnisse
In: Canadian journal of family and youth: CJFY, S. 337-340
ISSN: 1718-9748
In: Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 41-65
ISSN: 2515-8546
Beginning in the late 1940s, Iraqi artists began writing critiques of the Euro-American art movement impressionism, claiming that the way the movement framed the environment was not suited to the Iraqi landscape. Embedded in this argument was the notion that Iraqis could not paint European-style landscapes because of the fact that their environment was different from that of Europe. At the same time, paintings of the Iraqi landscape by European artists in the early twentieth century reinforced the idea that the Iraqi landscape was other than the European one because of its bright sun and empty desert, concepts familiar from nineteenth-century Orientalist discourse. This article will trace the way European painters' representations of Iraq as other ultimately contributed to Iraqi painters seeking out a distinctive form of European landscape painting in the 1940s.
In: Journal of contemporary Iraq & the Arab world, Band 15, Heft 1-2, S. 41-65
World Affairs Online
In: Modern intellectual history: MIH, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 349-378
ISSN: 1479-2451
This article reexamines Marx's early conception of history by returning to his 1845–6 manuscripts, long known as The German Ideology. On conventional interpretations of these manuscripts, Marx sought to explain the entire historical process through a theory of the systematic development of productive forces. This article reveals that concern to be an artifact of subsequent editorial practices and argues that a different concern animated the manuscripts for Marx himself—namely to grasp the nature of individual epochs, particularly the present one, which he doubted that a generalized theory of history could help him to do. In "Saint Max," perhaps the most neglected of these early manuscripts, Marx developed the concept of a "mode of production" into a historical lens, one that could aid the work of social critique by bringing into focus how the present is made and might be made anew.
Experience the political turmoil, wartime atmosphere, and transformative cultural changes of the American Civil War years by reading fiction set during this time. Topics include slavery and emancipation, Civil War battles, daily life in the 1860s, and biographical fiction on President Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln, among others. All books in this exhibit are available for checkout. Curator: Sarah Johnson ;
In: Early modern women: EMW ; an interdisciplinary journal, Band 4, S. 273-274
ISSN: 2378-4776
Intro -- Title -- Copyright -- Table of Contents -- Chapter 1 The Crash -- Chapter 2 The Secret -- Chapter 3 Stranger in a Strange Land -- Chapter 4 My Dad Comes Back -- Chapter 5 Vicki -- Chapter 6 Hospitals, Media & -- Coming Home -- Chapter 7 Depression -- Chapter 8 Falling -- Chapter 9 Finding Pauline -- Chapter 10 Lifting the Veil of Alcohol -- Chapter 11 Finding Me -- Epilogue -- Acknowledgements -- About the Author.
In: Women and gender in the early modern world
In: Research on children and social interaction: RCSI, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 288-319
ISSN: 2057-5815
Storytelling Practices in Home and Educational Contexts: Perspectives from Conversation AnalysisEdited by Anna Filipi, Binh Thanh Ta, and Maryanne Theobald(Springer, 2022)
In: Social work education, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 1006-1017
ISSN: 1470-1227
In: Learning, culture and social interaction, Band 12, S. 15-31
ISSN: 2210-6561
In the post-truth era, research from scholars of color will serve greater utility due to their propensity to speak truth to power, counter inaccurate narratives about marginalized populations, and challenge the politics that emerge during the post-truth era. This paper will highlight how scholars of color have centered race and social justice within their research, and provide examples of how the educational research community should counter the current post-truth era. We propose that scholars of color should be more prominent in our research agendas. This includes citing more of their work, supporting research agendas that positions 'race' at the center, and promoting critical scholarship that moves away from deficit language. If we are going to speak truth to power in today's post-truth climate, then educational researchers must produce critical scholarship that challenges the lies and myths that permeate in a post-truth era. ; En la era posverdad, investigaciones de estudiosos del color servirán a una mayor utilidad debido a su propensión de hablar la verdad al poder, contra narraciones imprecisas sobre poblaciones marginadas y desafiar las políticas que emergen durante la era posverdad. Este artículo destacará cómo los estudiosos del color centraron la raza y la justicia social en sus investigaciones y proporcionan ejemplos de cómo la comunidad de investigación educativa debe combatir la actual era posverdad. Proponemos que los estudiosos del color sean más prominentes en nuestras agendas de investigación. Esto incluye citar más de su trabajo, apoyar agendas de investigación que posicionen la "raza" en el centro y promover la erudición crítica que se aparte del lenguaje del déficit. Si vamos a hablar de verdad al poder en el clima actual de la pos-verdad, entonces los investigadores educacionales deben producir un conocimiento crítico que desafíe las mentiras y los mitos que permean una era posverdad. ; Na era pós-verdad, pesquisas de estudiosos da cor servirão a uma maior utilidade devido à sua propensão de falar a verdade ao poder, contra narrativas imprecisas sobre populações marginalizadas e desafiar as políticas que emergem durante a era pós-verdade. Este artigo destacará como os estudiosos da cor centraram a raça e a justiça social em suas pesquisas e fornecem exemplos de como a comunidade de pesquisa educacional deve combater a atual era pós-verdade. Propomos que os estudiosos da cor sejam mais proeminentes em nossas agendas de pesquisa. Isso inclui citar mais de seu trabalho, apoiar agendas de pesquisa que posicionem a "raça" no centro e promover a erudição crítica que se afaste da linguagem do déficit. Se vamos falar de verdade ao poder no clima atual da pós-verdade, então os pesquisadores educacionais devem produzir um conhecimento crítico que desafie as mentiras e os mitos que permeiam uma era pós-verdad.
In: The Australian economic review, Band 46, Heft 3, S. 327-337
ISSN: 1467-8462
In: Social interaction: video-based studies of human sociality, Band 5, Heft 3
ISSN: 2446-3620
Current theories of human social interaction characterize interactants, both speakers and hearers, as possessing a rich cognitive and reflexive life achieved through collaboratively built action. However, prevailing transcription approaches, which tend to neglect listening activity, do not adequately incorporate such understandings of the phenomena they represent transcriptively. We review the history and scholarship of video-based studies of human sociality. We then present an example of horizontal transcription to demonstrate the utility of this approach in capturing the spatial, temporal, and visual components of human social interaction—in this case, that of young children telling stories as they are writing them.
In: Signs: journal of women in culture and society, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 229-235
ISSN: 1545-6943