40 Ergebnisse
Religious Life in the USA: Community as a Key Bridge to Young Adults
In: Social compass: international review of socio-religious studies, Band 48, Heft 2, S. 229-236
ISSN: 1461-7404
The author essentially argues that religious life in the United States, because of rising median ages, must invite a new generation of young Catholics to enter its ranks. She confronts the major demographic argument that is used to refute the possibility of that happening, naming the large mean age difference that exists between members of most of the orders and the young-adult population. She unmasks four assertions that are typically cloaked by that argument. They are theological, psychological, structural, and ideological in nature. She presents the possibility of using generational analysis to unlock some of the cultural tensions concerning community life and spirituality, locates the discussion within the wider debate in the United States about issues of community and spirituality, and proposes that community life is a key bridge between religious orders and young adults.
The Reweaving of Catholic Spiritual and Institutional Life
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 558, Heft 1, S. 135-143
ISSN: 1552-3349
As we prepare to cross the bridge to the twenty-first century and to a new millennium, there is much analysis of the state of Catholicism in the United States. While the number of Catholics continues to increase, much of the analysis continues to focus on institutional decline, particularly of the priesthood and religious life and institutions dependent on them, such as schools and parishes. However, another phenomenon, more difficult to measure but equally alive in Catholic culture, is that of a spiritual resurgence. While there is clear evidence that there is a disjuncture between religion and spirituality in the thinking and behavior of some in the society, this article speculates about Catholicism in the United States in the twenty-first century as a spiritual-institutional church that weaves spiritualities through institutions in new, and old, ways. New tools will be needed for the analysis of the construction of spiritual cultures within and outside of Catholic institutions and the responses of generational cohorts to elements of those cultures.
The Reweaving of Catholic Spiritual and Institutional Life
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 558, S. 135-143
ISSN: 0002-7162
Discusses the spiritual resurgence evident in Catholic culture as the new millenium approaches. Speculations are offered about Catholicism in the 21st-century US as a spiritual-institutional church that weaves spiritualities through institutions in both new & old ways. New tools will be needed for the analysis of the construction of spiritual cultures in & outside of Catholic institutions & the responses of generational cohorts to elements of those cultures. 14 References. Adapted from the source document.
The Insane in 19th-Century Britain (Nervenheilanstalten in England im 19. Jahrhundert)
Die Datensammlung umfasst systematisch Daten von Patienten, die im Royal Asylum of Gartnavel (Glasgow) 1870 und 1880 verwahrt wurden. D.h. es sind zwölf verschiedene Attribute zu jedem in diesem Zeitraum aufgenommenen Patienten vorhanden: Alter, Patienten-Klasse (Kostenträgerschaft), Familienstand, Beruf, körperliche Verfassung, Grund der Unzurechnungsfähigkeit, Dauer der Attacke (die zur Einlieferung führte), Gefährlichkeit und Selbstmordabsichten, Bildungsstand, Aufenthaltsdauer, Entlassungsgrund.
The International Monetary Fund: 1944-1992 ; a research guide
In: Garland reference library of social science 770
In: Research and information guides in business, industry, and economic institutions 9
The Transitional Generation: Faculty Sensemaking of Higher Education Reform in Ecuador
In response to public sector criticism, higher education reform in Ecuador over the past decade has created a nation-wide transformation of faculty roles. The literature from researchers in Ecuador concerning reform and the role of faculty discusses the desired impact of these new expectations; however, very little is known regarding the substantive reality of faculty navigating new roles and work. This study explored faculty sense making of national reforms relating to their role and work at universities and sought to understand how faculty are navigating both policy and implementation of new work expectations ten years after government top-down reform efforts. The qualitative, cross-case comparison was framed through the perspective of the model of policy reaction. Interviews were conducted with 15 full-time Ecuadorian faculty participants representing hard and social sciences from five case universities located throughout the country. Data analysis resulted in five major findings: a) faculty negotiating uncertainty around work expectations and policy implementation; b) faculty building networks in order to meet expectations and develop research capacity; c) faculty understanding practices to legitimize their work as distrustful and inefficient; d) faculty perceiving policies as constraints to their academic autonomy, and; e) faculty making sense of themselves as a transitional generation building capacity and sustainability for future university stakeholders. The findings for this study will assist future policy-makers and university authorities in planning and managing change efforts to ensure that faculty stakeholders are involved in the policy-making and implementation processes.
Contemporary higher education reform in Ecuador: Implications for faculty recruitment, hiring, and retention ; Reforma contemporánea de la educación superior en Ecuador: Implicaciones para el reclutamiento, contratación y retención de docentes ; Reforma contemporânea do ensino superior no Equador: I...
Currently, there is a shortage of research on how Ecuadorian universities are coping with the contemporary reforms of higher education under the government of Correa. In 2010, La Ley Orgánica de Educación Superior (higher education law) defined the development, transparency and quality assurance of existing and new higher education institutions. This case study describes the challenges administrators have in recruiting, hiring, and retaining faculty in an environment where both fiscal and human resources are limited. The research reflects the current complexity of the higher education environment in Ecuador under contemporary reforms and creates a space for the discussion on the unique perspectives of administrators from both private and public institutions. ; Actualmente, hay escasez de investigación sobre cómo las universidades ecuatorianas se enfrentan a las reformas contemporáneas de la educación superior bajo el gobierno de Correa. En 2010, la Ley Orgánica de Educación Superior definió el desarrollo, la transparencia y la garantía de calidad de las instituciones de educación superior existentes y nuevas. Este estudio de caso describe los retos que los administradores tienen en el reclutamiento, contratación y retención de profesores en un ambiente donde los recursos fiscales y humanos son limitados. La investigación refleja la complejidad actual del ambiente de educación superior en Ecuador bajo las reformas contemporáneas y crea un espacio para la discusión sobre las perspectivas únicas de los administradores de las instituciones públicas y privadas. ; Atualmente, há pouca pesquisa sobre como as universidades equatorianas enfrentar reformas contemporâneas de ensino superior sob o governo de Correa. Em 2010, a Lei Orgânica de Educação Superior definido o desenvolvimento, a transparência e garantia de qualidade de instituições de ensino superior existentes e novos. Este estudo de caso descreve os desafios que os gestores têm no recrutamento, contratação e retenção de professores em um ambiente onde os recursos fiscais e humanos são limitados. A pesquisa reflete a complexidade atual do ambiente do ensino superior no Equador sob reformas contemporâneas e cria um espaço para a discussão sobre as necessidades únicas dos gestores de instituições públicas e privadas perspectivas.
The world trade system
In: Government publications review: an international journal, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 368-370
In search of flexibility: The new Soviet labour market
In: Government publications review: an international journal, Band 19, Heft 6, S. 695-697
The insane in 19th-century Britain: a statistical analysis of a Scottish insane asylum
In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 3-20
ISSN: 2366-6846
Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert anhand einer statistischen Analyse der Unterlagen eines psychiatrischen Krankenhauses in Schottland (Glasgow) in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts folgende Aspekte: (1) Inwieweit kann eine 'moralische Behandlung' der Insassen aus den Unterlagen erschlossen werden? (2) Die Beschreibung des ökonomischen und sozialen Hintergrunds der Insassen hinsichtlich Diagnose und Behandlung; (3) Gibt es statistisch signifikante geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in den protokollierten Krankengeschichten? Die letzte Frage wird verneint; entscheidend sind der soziale und ökonomische Hintergrund für die Einlieferung und Diagnosestellung. (pmb)
Circulation Scenarios:: Or, Where Have All the New Books Gone?
In: Behavioral & social sciences librarian, Band 6, Heft 1-2, S. 49-56
ISSN: 1544-4546
Book Review: Use of Volunteers in Public Welfare
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 45, Heft 6, S. 358-358
ISSN: 1945-1350