22 Ergebnisse
Sverige partipolitiseras: dagspressen som en spegel av politisk utveckling 1896-1908
In: Studier i politik 7
Foreign News: News Values and Ideologies
In: European journal of communication, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 71-89
ISSN: 1460-3705
This is an intermediate report from a study of foreign news in Swedish media as well as media in a number of other countries. We intend to discuss and test parts of a theoretical model designed to explain the selection of news. For this purpose we have used studies of news content covering the last seven decades. This material includes more than 50,000 news stories in newspapers, on radio and on television that have been manually categorized and coded. In addition, approximately 300,000 news items from different databases have been used (see Appendix).
Foreign news: news values and ideologies
In: European journal of communication, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 71-89
ISSN: 0267-3231
Der Beitrag ist ein Zwischenbericht zu einer Untersuchung von Auslandsnachrichten in schwedischen Medien und denen einer Reihe anderer Länder. Es sollen Bestandteile eines theoretischen Modells erörtert und getestet werden, das mit dem Ziel entworfen wurde, die Nachrichtenauswahl erklärbar zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Untersuchungen zum Nachrichteninhalt aus den letzten siebzig Jahren ausgewertet. Das Material umfaßt mehr als 50.000 Einzelnachrichten in Zeitungen, Hörfunk und Fernsehen; diese wurden manuell kategorisiert und kodiert. Zusätzlich wurden nahezu 300.000 Nachrichtensätze aus verschiedenen Datenbasen in die Untersuchung einbezogen. (UNübers.)
Chernobyl and the Nuclear Power Issue in Sweden: Experts, Media, and Public Opinion
In: International journal of public opinion research, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 115-131
ISSN: 0954-2892
Based on expert advice, a large nuclear power program was introduced in Sweden in the early 1970s & unanimously accepted by Parliament. Shortly afterward, however, nuclear power became a heavily politicized issue. The accidents at Three Mile Island (Pa) & Chernobyl (USSR) also had a strong impact on opinion formation. Today, publc opinion is slowly changing in the direction of the dominant views among experts. 3 Tables, 4 Figures, 13 References. Adapted from the source document.
In: International journal of public opinion research, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 115-131
ISSN: 1471-6909
Chernobyl and the nuclear power issue in Sweden: experts, media, and public opinion
In: International journal of public opinion research, Band 3, S. 115-131
ISSN: 0954-2892
The influence of expert opinion and mass media coverage on public attitudes, 1986-90.
News Ideologies as Moulders of Domestic News
In: European journal of communication, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 133-149
ISSN: 1460-3705
In a study of Swedish news media, 1912-84, a distinction is made between news values, regarded as more or less permanent, and changing news ideologies, conceived as an outflow of other ideologies. In statements concerning the broadcasting media three periods of different news ideologies are identified. They all seem to have had a strong impact both on the selection of news and on the selection of perspectives applied in the news.
Local government in Nordic big cities
In: Urban Democracy, S. 31-72
Methodological considerations
In: Urban Political Decentralisation, S. 37-51
Citizen participation in urban district politics
In: Urban Political Decentralisation, S. 53-69
Efficiency in service provision
In: Urban Political Decentralisation, S. 113-134
Conclusions: Institutions, time and politics
In: Urban Political Decentralisation, S. 157-172