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8141 Ergebnisse
Seeing Streetscapes as Social Infrastructure: A Paradigmatic Case Study of Hornsbergs Strand, Stockholm
In: Urban Planning, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 510-522
Urban streets are an integral part of the public realm. Streets are commonly planned following normative design principles focused on the connectivity of road networks and urban morphology. Beyond their function as mobility infrastructure, streetscapes' aesthetic, social, and cultural qualities also have an important impact on the experience of the overall urban environment and human well-being. This study explores how urban design and planning can facilitate the design, management, and use of streetscapes that consider their role as social infrastructure. A paradigmatic case study of Hornsbergs Strand in the City of Stockholm is performed, incorporating spatial and temporal aspects. The case study area is chosen because it is both an attractive and "overcrowded" public space frequently discussed in the Swedish media. Data sources for the study include reviews of public documents such as Stockholm's city planning strategies, local media reports, a report from a resident workgroup, as well as walk-through observations and semi-structured expert interviews. The results highlight the potential of urban design strategies to develop streetscapes as social infrastructure through both permanent design measures and temporary design interventions. The tendency of the change in people's perception and attitude toward the place over time illustrates that design interventions are a continual process. The implications for public policy, urban development and investment in social infrastructure employing place strategies and design interventions are discussed.
Working the System: Motion Picture, Filmmakers, and Subjectivities in Mao-Era China, 1949–1966 Qiliang He. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2023. 180 pp. HK$650.00 (hbk). ISBN 9789888805600
In: The China quarterly, Band 259, S. 852-854
ISSN: 1468-2648
Cambodia's foreign policy (re)alignments amid great power geopolitical competition
In: The Pacific review, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 60-89
ISSN: 1470-1332
Middle-class youth fleeing Nigeria: rethinking African survival migration through the Japa phenomenon
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 50, Heft 16, S. 4021-4040
ISSN: 1469-9451
The grey zone of Chinese capital: online gambling in Cambodia's Sihanoukville
In: Contemporary Southeast Asia
ISSN: 1793-284X
Between 2016 and 2019, the online gambling industry in Cambodia grew from obscurity to become the largest in Southeast Asia, capturing news headlines worldwide. Focusing primarily on the adverse impacts of this phenomenon, especially surging crime rates and discontent among local Cambodians, these reports often failed to provide a meaningful understanding of the complex factors and actors behind the industry. With little systematic scholarly research on the topic, this article seeks to fill the gap. Utilizing data from fieldwork in Cambodia and China, it examines the drivers of Chinese investment in Cambodia's gambling industry, from its openness to foreign capital and weak governance to crackdowns in other gambling hubs like the Philippines and Macau. It further offers an ethnographic discussion of Chinese online gambling operations in Cambodia and their impacts on both Cambodian and Chinese societies. Additionally, it considers the implications of the Cambodian government's crackdown on online gambling in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic on China-Cambodia relations. (Contemp Southeast Asia/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
Fiery Cinema: The Emergence of an Affective Medium in China, 1915–1945 by Weihong Bao
In: China review international: a journal of reviews of scholarly literature in Chinese studies, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 138-142
ISSN: 1527-9367
Divided Lenses: Screen Memories of War in East Asia ed. by Michael Berry, Chiho Sawada
In: China review international: a journal of reviews of scholarly literature in Chinese studies, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 145-148
ISSN: 1527-9367
China on Film: A Century of Exploration, Confrontation, and Controversy by Paul G. Pickowicz (review)
In: China review international: a journal of reviews of scholarly literature in Chinese studies, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 109-111
ISSN: 1527-9367
Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Urban Contract. Yomi Braester. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010. Xiv + 405 pp. £16.99; $26.95. ISBN 978-0-8223-4723-1
In: The China quarterly, Band 208, S. 1057-1059
ISSN: 1468-2648
World in Deleuze's reconstruction of the ontology of univocity
In: Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta: Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Filosofija i konfliktologija = Philosophy and conflict studies, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 32-42
ISSN: 2541-9382
Japan and China as charm rivals: soft power in regional diplomacy
Introduction: "Peaceful rise" vs. "Beautiful Japan" -- A short history of charm in Japan-China relations -- Southeast Asia: learning to treat neighbors as peers -- South Korea: a suspicious power resistant to charm -- Taiwan: negotiating self-identity and security -- Conclusion: the dynamic wooing game
World Affairs Online
Zwei Exilgedichte mit einer China-Komponente von Bertolt Brecht
In: Interkulturelles Forum der deutsch-chinesischen Kommunikation
ISSN: 2747-7495
Im Exil griff Brecht nach anfänglicher Hoffnung auf eine baldige Rückkehr nach Deutschland gewissermaßen zum Trostgedicht, um seine Identität schreibend zu bewahren und das Exil geistig zu bewältigen. Auf diese Weise entstanden Brechts Exilgedichte Die Auswanderung der Dichter und Besuch bei den verbannten Dichtern. In beiden Gedichten lassen sich ein Anachronismus und eine China-Komponente ausmachen. Wird der Anachronismus als eine von Brecht entwickelte Form gegen das Exil betrachtet, so hat die China-Komponente in jedem Gedicht ihre Bewandtnis.
Vom Zeichen der Bewunderung zum Symbol der Position – Brecht mit der Legende von der Entstehung des Daodejing
In: Interkulturelles Forum der deutsch-chinesischen Kommunikation, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 96-111
ISSN: 2747-7495
Brecht hatte sich schon früh mit dem altchinesischen Denker Laotse beschäftigt und war begeistert. Sein bislang noch wenig behandelter Zeitungstext Die höflichen Chinesen erzählt die Legende von der Entstehung des Daodejing nach und ist das erste prosaische Zeichen der Bewunderung: Brecht plädierte implizit für ein Leben nach Laotses Lehre. Dreizehn Jahre später hatte Brecht die Legende von der Entstehung des Daodejing wieder aufgenommen, um sie in das Gedicht Die Legende von der Entstehung des Buches Taoteking auf dem Weg des Laotse in die Emigration umzugestalten. Das Exil veränderte Brechts Selbstbewusstsein. Brecht aktualisierte seine Beziehung zu Laotse, indem er sein Selbstbildnis in Laotses Schicksal auftauchen ließ. Auf diese Weise der Aktualisierung wird Die Legende von der Entstehung des Buches Taoteking auf dem Weg des Laotse in die Emigration politisch.
Developing a mixed-methods digital Multiple Sorting Task procedure using Zoom and Miro
In: Methodological innovations, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 250-262
ISSN: 2059-7991
In the Multiple Sorting Task (MST) participants sort entities into their self-defined categories. The descriptions they provide of their categories provide qualitative data. Multi-dimensional scaling of sorting generates quantitative results. Relating the qualitative descriptions to the quantitative output creates integrated mixed methods. As part of the study of conceptions of public space an online MST was developed using Zoom and Miro, supported by Email and Smartphone where necessary. Twenty adult participants performed the MST with 20 pictures of public spaces in Stockholm. Results demonstrate the viability of the novel digital MST. The MST's benefits, challenges, and applications in its digital form as an integrated mixed-methods are presented.