Open Access#12018
当代西欧民族分离主义问题治理的国内因素影响 / The Influence of Domestic Factors on the Governance of Ethnic Separatism in Contemporary Western Europe
长期以来,西欧各国的分离主义问题并未得到根本解决,尤其是21世纪以来发生的苏格兰独立公投和加泰罗尼亚独立公投等均受到了全世界的关注。除了既有的历史因由外,现阶段其所在国家经济动荡应是主要原因,而国家的治理能力、国家认同及政权的合法性等因素对民族分离主义治理有很强的制约作用。 Separatist issues have not been fully resolved for a long time in Western European countries. In the 21st century, the independence referendums in Scotland and Catalonia have attracted worldwide attention. Besides the existing historical reasons, the economic turbulence in the respective countries is the main driving-force, and factors such as state governance capacity, national identity and the legitimacy of the government also curb the governance of ethnic separatism.