13 Ergebnisse
Larger Asian rivers: climate, water discharge, water and sediment quality
In: Quaternary international 282
The long wave of conditional convergence
In: Discussion papers in economics and econometrics 0614
Analysis of flood hazards in the Yangtze river valley and strategies for sustainable flood risk management
In: Berichte aus der Geowissenschaft, 2000
World Affairs Online
Larger Asian rivers: climate, hydrology and ecosystems
In: Quaternary international 244,2
Larger Asian rivers: climate change, river flow, and watershed management
In: Quaternary international 226
Examining the Relationship between Social Class and Well-Being in Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs
In: Youth & society: a quarterly journal, Band 53, Heft 7, S. 1211-1230
ISSN: 1552-8499
Considerable evidence has shown that social class has a positive relationship with well-being. However, little research has examined this connection in detail, particularly as it relates to the context of adolescence. The present study builds on the framework of Self-Determination Theory, to delineate the psychological mechanism underlying this relationship in adolescents. Study 1 explored the correlation between objective social class and hedonic well-being with national adolescent data ( n = 944) from the China Family Panel Studies. The results showed that objective social class was positively correlated with hedonic well-being. Study 2 more fully examined the correlation and potential mechanism of the relationship between social class and hedonic/eudaimonic well-being among 625 adolescents. The results confirmed that social class is correlated with hedonic/eudaimonic well-being and that basic psychological needs satisfaction (BPNS) fully mediates the relationships between them. These findings emphasize the role of BPNS in this relationship among adolescents.
Nonuse values of climate policy: An empirical study in Xinjiang and Beijing
Climate policy measures can be roughly subdivided into mitigation measures and adaptation measures. Mitigation policy aims at a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the overall goal of slowing down climate change and global warming. Since greenhouse gases like CO2, Methane etc. are global pollutants which have the same effect on world climate irrespective of where they are emitted mitigation policy creates benefits for people all over the world. Adaptation policy on the other hand does not seek to influence the world climate but, instead, is meant to reduce the negative consequences of climate change for a specific region. The benefits created by adaptation policy are, therefore, only of local importance while mitigation policy yields global benefits. This difference has, of course, consequences for the welfare economic appraisal of mitigation policy measures as compared to adaptation policy measures. Since the wellbeing of many more people worldwide is affected by mitigation measures than by adaptation measures the former will always appear more attractive in a cost-benefit analysis than the latter, at least from a global perspective. In this paper we want to show that adaption policy measures are often undervalued in cost-benefit analyses because only their so-called use values are considered, while the nonuse values they create are neglected. The use value of a commodity accrues from a direct utilization of that commodity. In an environmental context the use value of e.g. a beautiful landscape is felt by those people who visit this landscape. Beyond this use value the landscape might also have a value for people who never visit it but still enjoy the knowledge that in their country such a beautiful landscape exists and that endangered animals and plants are preserved there. This value that originates from the mere existence of a (market or environmental) good is often called its nonuse value because it is independent of a direct (and empirically observable) utilization of this good. If it can be shown that some adaptation policy measures in the context of climate policy create also nonuse values in addition to the use values this might lead to a new assessment of such measures and it might increase their chances of being approved in the political decision process. It is obvious that the systematic undervaluation of adaptation policy measures resulting from the neglect of the nonuse values they create might have the consequence that they are declined because they do not pass the cost-benefit test, though they create high nonuse values which are not considered in this test. Of course, the existence of nonuse values depends on the cultural background of the people affected by these measures and of the society they live in. Especially in an emerging country like China many people might still underestimate the importance of climate adaptation measures in comparison with economic policy measures triggering the economic growth of the country, especially if the adaptation measures are conducted in faraway regions of the country. In this study we test empirically the hypothesis that also in a growth-oriented economy like China non-materialistic values like the nonuse values of climate policy are perceived and respected by the population. This should especially hold for the better educated people living in big cities like Beijing. Therefore, we conduct a survey in Beijing where we ask people to assess a climate change adaptation project to be implemented in a faraway region, in this case in the Tarim basin in Xinjiang. In this survey we find that also Beijing citizens feel responsible for the environmental conditions in Xinjiang, especially under the impression of climate change. We find that they are even willing to contribute personally to financing a public project for the improvement of the living conditions in this remote (as viewed from Beijing) region. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the next chapter focuses on the importance of nonuse values in environmental cost-benefit analyses; information concerning the impact of climate change on the Tarim area is provided in chapter three; the survey method and sampling procedure are introduced in chapter four; in chapter five results of the survey in Beijing are presented and analyzed, followed by some concluding remarks.
Meta-analysis of the association between APC promoter methylation and colorectal cancer
In: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.2147/OTT.S75827
Zhenyu Ding,1,* Tong Jiang,2,* Ying Piao,1 Tao Han,1 Yaling Han,3 Xiaodong Xie1 1Department of Oncology, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, 2Laboratory of Military Health in Cold Region, Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shenyang Military Region, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, 3Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Previous studies investigating the association between adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene promoter methylation and colorectal cancer (CRC) have yielded conflicting results. The aim of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the potential application of the detection of APC promoter methylation to the prevention and treatment of CRC. PubMed, Embase, and MEDLINE (results updated to October 2014) were searched for relevant studies. The effect size was defined as the weighted odds ratio (OR), which was calculated using either the fixed-effects or random-effects model. Prespecified subgroup and sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate potential heterogeneity among the included studies. Nineteen studies comprising 2,426 participants were selected for our meta-analysis. The pooled results of nine studies comprising a total of 740 subjects indicated that APC promoter methylation was significantly associated with CRC risk (pooled OR 5.53; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.50–8.76; P<0.01). Eleven studies with a total of 1,219 patients evaluated the association between APC promoter methylation and the presence of CRC metastasis, and the pooled OR was 0.80 (95% CI 0.44–1.46; P=0.47). A meta-analysis conducted with four studies with a total of 467 patients found no significant correlation between APC promoter methylation and the presence of colorectal adenoma (pooled OR 1.85; 95% CI 0.67–5.10; P=0.23). No significant correlation between APC promoter methylation and patients' Dukes' stage, TNM stage, differentiation grade, age, or sex was identified. In conclusion, APC promoter methylation was found to be significantly associated with a higher risk of developing CRC. The findings indicate that APC promoter methylation may be a potential biomarker for the carcinogenesis of CRC. Keywords: APC promoter methylation, colorectal cancer, meta-analysis
Research status of high efficiency deep penetration welding of medium-thick plate titanium alloy: A review
In: Defence Technology
ISSN: 2214-9147
Laypeople's Belief of the Influence of Thank-You Gifts on Charitable Giving
In: Social psychology, Band 52, Heft 6, S. 331-342
ISSN: 2151-2590
Abstract. Although offering gifts to encourage prosocial behaviors is a popular daily strategy, its underlying mechanism remains unknown. This study investigated the effect of thank-you gifts on charitable giving in laypeople's beliefs ( N = 1,293). Study 1 showed that laypeople believe thank-you gifts increase charitable giving. Study 2 found that laypeople believe thank-you gifts increase both charitable giving and positive emotions of donors. Study 3 further showed that laypeople's anticipation of donors' emotional gain might play a mediating role in the effect of thank-you gifts on charitable giving. Study S1 found that participants' donated amounts in the benefit-to-others thank-you gifts condition exceeded other conditions on actual donation behavior. These findings emphasize the emotional value of the gift in laypeople's beliefs.
Flood risk in a range of spatial perspectives – from global to local scales
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 19, Heft 7, S. 1319-1328
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. The present paper examines flood risk (composed of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability) in a range of spatial perspectives – from the global to the local scale. It deals with observed records, noting that flood damage has been increasing. It also tackles projections for the future, related to flood hazard and flood losses. There are multiple factors driving flood hazard and flood risk and there is a considerable uncertainty in our assessments, and particularly in projections for the future. Further, this paper analyses options for flood risk reduction in several spatial dimensions, from global framework to regional to local scales. It is necessary to continue examination of the updated records of flood-related indices, trying to search for changes that influence flood hazard and flood risk in river basins.
Larger Asian rivers 8: impacts from human activities and climate change
In: Quaternary International 380/381