Exploring the Three Varieties of East Asia's State-Guided Development Model: Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan
In: Studies in comparative international development, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 70-88
ISSN: 0039-3606
Examines various models of state-guided development (SGD) employed in East Asia, with specific focus on the SGD programs of Korea, Singapore, & Taiwan. It is suggested that SGD has produced economic security in all 3 states, but by diverse means: South Korea's growth-obsessed plan, Singapore's growth-with-stability model, & Taiwan's equity-&-stability-based growth model. These programs have developed as the result of conscious political action, & have generally achieved their goals. Unlike states that have pursued more than one goal from the growth-stability-equity spectrum, single-goal states, eg, growth-obsessed Korea, have obtained growth at the expense of stability & equity. Although the combination of goals can be viewed as compromising, the East Asian experience suggests that these goals are mutually complementary, & that multigoal options are preferable in developing nations. 2 Tables, 51 References. T. Sevier