Transforming Business as Usual: Applying Market Transformation Lessons to Green Procurement at the U.S. House of Representatives
This paper discusses how principles of market transformation inform organizationalchange across the U.S. House of Representatives. By regarding the specific House procurement market as analogous to the general energy efficiency market, we are designing andimplementing a House green procurement program that benefits from market transformationphilosophies and methods.Driven by the Speaker's mandate to reduce the House's carbon footprint and resourceconsumption, the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) seeks to change House practices with aGreen Procurement program developed by the Green the Capitol office. The CAO controls thepurchase of most goods and services for the House itself and stands to influence procurementdecisions throughout the broad network of autonomous Congressional offices and legislativeagencies, including each Representative's DC and district offices, CAO vendors, and Housesupport agencies.An effective green procurement program must withstand inevitable political pressuresand changes in Congressional priorities. Based on the model of market transformation in energyefficiency markets, the House Green Procurement program applies similar tools to increasedemand for and availability of environmentally preferable products and services. Not only willthis approach transform the House procurement market, but it will stimulate enduring Housecontribution to a larger change in the market for green goods and services.