Spin-layer locked gapless states in gated bilayer graphene
Gated bilayer graphene exhibits spin-degenerate gapless states with a topological character localized at stacking domain walls. These states allow for one-dimensional currents along the domain walls. We herein demonstrate that these topologically protected currents are spin-polarized and locked in a single layer when bilayer graphene contains stacking domain walls decorated with magnetic defects. The magnetic defects, which we model as π-vacancies, perturb the topological states but also lift their spin degeneracy. One gapless state survives the perturbation of these defects, and its spin polarization is largely localized in one layer. The spin-polarized current in the topological state flows in a single layer, and this finding suggests the possibility of effectively exploiting these states in spintronic applications. ; This work was partially supported by project FIS2016-76617-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO, the Basque Government under the ELKARTEK project (SUPER), and the Gobierno Vasco-UPV/EHU (Grant No. IT1246- 19). AA and WJ acknowledge the hospitality of the Institute of Physics at Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Donostia International Physics Center, respectively.