Geometric Federalism
In: Pepperdine University Legal Studies Research Paper Forthcoming
6 Ergebnisse
In: Pepperdine University Legal Studies Research Paper Forthcoming
In: 30 Pepp. L. Rev. 671
In: 13 J. Transnat'l L. & Pol'y 251
In: Environmental Communication and Nature: Conflict and Ecoculture in the Anthropocene Series
Social Media and Oil in Southern California: Greenwashing Los Angeles chronicles the use of social media (old and new) to greenwash the petroleum industry in Southern California. As this research documents, oil-not Hollywood-is the key industry that drives the California dream.
In: Global discourse: an interdisciplinary journal of current affairs and applied contemporary thought, Band 4, Heft 2-3, S. 326-349
ISSN: 2043-7897
This essay examines the origins, structure, and tactics of Anonymous. Anonymous is a meme-complex shared by unique actors and networks of activists that are born digital, have network structures, and engage in 'digital image politics'. Anonymous networks demonstrate an evolution in image politics by staging image events in cyberspace and physical space, while using the mobile public screens of social media to both circumvent and hijack the public screens of mass media.