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24 Ergebnisse
In: The British journal of social work, Band 48, Heft 6, S. 1524-1540
ISSN: 1468-263X
In: Africa Spectrum, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 166-171
ISSN: 0002-0397
In: Aztlán: international journal of Chicano studies research, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 189-193
In: Qualitative social work: research and practice, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 119-134
ISSN: 1741-3117
Young people who live in residential homes provided by Child Protection Services generally have less favourable life conditions and poorer future prospects than young people in general. Repeated interviews with twelve young persons in residential care brought to attention how their prospective narratives are efficacious and significant for developmental processes. The ideas these youths hold about the future are conditioned by both discourses of development and ideas of what adolescence should lead to, their personal history and the context in which the stories are created and told. Studying these narratives shows how narratives of the future are intertwined with the sense of present being. It illuminates the dynamics between the present and the future and exceeds our understanding of development as a linear track from past to present to future. It also shows how residential care both restricts and gives opportunities for some narratives to be told and interpreted. This approach to studying development may be fruitful in understanding why some youths in residential care manage to overcome adversity while others continue to suffer from it.
In: Narrative inquiry: a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 68-87
ISSN: 1569-9935
First-person narratives are meaning-making devices that can be used as powerful tools to direct developmental changes. For young people who have endured difficulties in their lives, the selection and configuration of such experiences may contribute in significant ways to how they come to understand themselves and what possibilities they hold. Repeated interviews with young people living in residential homes provided by Child Protection Services have demonstrated how the young people give accounts of their past and present as well as their future prospects. Some tell stories that speak of how things have turned out well despite everything that has troubled them. The hindrances to their development are turned around and adversity is spoken of as something from which they have benefitted. Others dwell on how things might have been better if only previous conditions had been otherwise. They get "stuck" because the things that could have made a difference belong to the past. The exploration of narrative configurations in the format of "Despite all" and "If only" may illuminate how personal accounts of events have significance in terms of subjectivation and further development. The configuration of self-narratives offers alternative understanding of how out- of-home placement sometimes fails as a measure to support development and how some young people manage despite adversity.
In: Africa Spectrum, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 145-158
ISSN: 0002-0397
In: Africa Spectrum, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 145-158
ISSN: 0002-0397
World Affairs Online
In: Dokumentationsdienst Afrika / Reihe A, 14
World Affairs Online
In: Dokumentationsdienst Afrika / Reihe A, 8
World Affairs Online
In: Dokumentationsdienst Afrika
In: Reihe A 11
In: Dokumentationsdienst Afrika
In: Reihe A 10
In: Stevens , M , Wehrens , R , Kostenzer , J , Jansen , A M & de Bont , A 2022 , ' Why Personal Dreams Matter : How professionals affectively engage with the promises surrounding data-driven healthcare in Europe ' , Big Data & Society , vol. 9 , no. 1 . https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517211070698
Recent buzzes around big data, data science and artificial intelligence portray a data-driven future for healthcare. As a response, Europe's key players have stimulated the use of big data technologies to make healthcare more efficient and effective. Critical Data Studies and Science and Technology Studies have developed many concepts to reflect on such overly positive narratives and conduct critical policy evaluations. In this study, we argue that there is also much to be learned from studying how professionals in the healthcare field affectively engage with this strong European narrative in concrete big data projects. We followed twelve hospital-based big data pilots in eight European countries and interviewed 145 professionals (including legal, governance and ethical experts, healthcare staff and data scientists) between 2018 and 2020. In this study, we introduce the metaphor of dreams to describe how professionals link the big data promises to their own frustrations, ideas, values and experiences with healthcare. Our research answers the question: how do professionals in concrete data-driven initiatives affectively engage with European Union's data hopes in their 'dreams' – and with what consequences? We describe the dreams of being seen, of timeliness, of connectedness and of being in control. Each of these dreams emphasizes certain aspects of the grand narrative of big data in Europe, makes particular assumptions and has different consequences. We argue that including attention to these dreams in our work could help shine an additional critical light on the big data developments and stimulate the development of responsible data-driven healthcare.
In: Big data & society, Band 9, Heft 1
ISSN: 2053-9517
Recent buzzes around big data, data science and artificial intelligence portray a data-driven future for healthcare. As a response, Europe's key players have stimulated the use of big data technologies to make healthcare more efficient and effective. Critical Data Studies and Science and Technology Studies have developed many concepts to reflect on such overly positive narratives and conduct critical policy evaluations. In this study, we argue that there is also much to be learned from studying how professionals in the healthcare field affectively engage with this strong European narrative in concrete big data projects. We followed twelve hospital-based big data pilots in eight European countries and interviewed 145 professionals (including legal, governance and ethical experts, healthcare staff and data scientists) between 2018 and 2020. In this study, we introduce the metaphor of dreams to describe how professionals link the big data promises to their own frustrations, ideas, values and experiences with healthcare. Our research answers the question: how do professionals in concrete data-driven initiatives affectively engage with European Union's data hopes in their 'dreams' – and with what consequences? We describe the dreams of being seen, of timeliness, of connectedness and of being in control. Each of these dreams emphasizes certain aspects of the grand narrative of big data in Europe, makes particular assumptions and has different consequences. We argue that including attention to these dreams in our work could help shine an additional critical light on the big data developments and stimulate the development of responsible data-driven healthcare.
In: Occasional papers Occasional paper no. 166
Hedge funds are collective investment vehicles, often organized as private partnerships and resident offshore for tax and regulatory purposes. Their legal status places few restrictions on their portfolios and transactions, leaving their managers free to use short sales, derivative securities, and leverage to raise returns and cushion risk. This paper considers the role of hedge funds in financial market dynamics, with particular reference to the Asian crisis