Understanding Financial Inclusion of Individuals Engaged in Agriculture: Evidence from Upper-Middle-Income Balkan Economies
In: Eastern European economics: EEE, Band 62, Heft 6, S. 762-779
ISSN: 1557-9298
3 Ergebnisse
In: Eastern European economics: EEE, Band 62, Heft 6, S. 762-779
ISSN: 1557-9298
In: Südosteuropa: Zeitschrift für Politik und Geschichte, Band 65, Heft 4, S. 679-695
ISSN: 2364-933X
This paper aims at forecasting the size and effects of remittances and emigration in Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, and Kosovo, using a qualitative forecasting method, a Delphi questionnaire. The authors examined consensus building within and between two groups of respondents: ten experts and twenty remittance receivers per country, in three subsequent rounds–two on the same group and a third cross-round. Consensual results suggest that remittances in the projected five-year period will increase in Macedonia and Serbia, and will reduce in Albania and Kosovo. With less consensus, the results forecast that emigration will decelerate, except in Serbia. Emigration effects for the society have been forecast as predominantly negative due to skilled labour emigration, while remittances were forecast to maintain their effect on poverty in Macedonia and Serbia, and weaken in Albania. Consensus has been reached, except in Macedonia, that remittances will support labour market activity.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and perspectives for Romania 19 November, Band 2020, Heft Bucharest