Die Schadensersatzhaftung des Warenhändlers bei Herstellungsfehlern: eine rechtsökonomische Analyse
In: Schriftenreihe Schriften zum Versicherungs-, Haftungs- und Schadensrecht 38
53 Ergebnisse
In: Schriftenreihe Schriften zum Versicherungs-, Haftungs- und Schadensrecht 38
In: Zeitschrift für europäisches Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht: ZESAR, Heft 11
ISSN: 1868-7938, 1864-8479
This project seeks to identify the role that foreign direct investment (FDI) has played in the development of the automobile industries of Hungary and China. That entailed examining their transition economies-economies that shift from being centrally-planned toward free market capitalism-over the past three decades. I observed the similarities and drew the parallels which instigated the establishment and growth of the automobile industries, despite significant differences in scale, culture, and government policy in both countries. In conducting the research, I have read the relevant published research, and I collected data from governmental statistics offices and manufacturers' reports in order to conduct my own data analyses. This project highlights the significant influence that FDI had on the automobile industry in both countries, and evaluates the role of FDI in the rapid development of their respective transition economies.
In: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
In: Marken- und Produktmanagement
Many complex problems in the field of International Copyright arise because the matter is governed by two different conventions. While most of the European States continued to adhere to the International Conventions signed in Berne in· the 19th Century, the United Nations had signed soon after World War II another international instrument known as the Universal Copyright Convention. An attempt has now been made in Paris to bring into closer association these two international agreements and setting up of an international centre as a link between publishing houses and the developing countries. ; peer-reviewed
Medieval Scandinavian Studies started emerging as a discipline in the 19th century, at a time when Old Norse literature had become an important source both for the reconstruction of an alleged Germanic worldview, and the substantiation of national political claims. Scholars in the early 20th century consolidated this view, and thereby even coined public ideas of a Germanic past that became influential in the reception of the Middle Ages in general. To the present day, the popular fascination with these Middle Ages thus is strongly informed by Old Norse sources, and a wealth of recent adaptations seem to perpetuate this view. However, the same sources, as well as earlier scholarship, are used by extremist groups to substantiate populist and racist claims. Scholars in Medieval Scandinavian Studies find themselves at the intersection of these conflicting and yet connected spheres of appropriation. Their task to take a stance in this situation is all the more challenging as the international field struggles with cutbacks of budgets, study programs, and institutes. The present special issue seeks to bring together current opinions on this ambivalent state.
In: Practice and Policies of Modern Peace Support Operations under International Law, S. 181-202
In: International and Comparative Criminal Law Series
Confronted with the practical legal aspects of Peace Support Operations (PSO) in their daily work, the two authors realized that there was an urgent need for the international community of military and civilian lawyers, law enforcement agencies, policy makers, legal advisers and military commanders dealing with these types of missions to have a guidebook analyzing, questioning and providing some solutions to the practical legal aspects intrinsic in them and which are often known only to those who have been serving in the field. It was therefore decided to create a tool to record and diffuse th
In: The quarterly review of economics and finance, Band 92, S. 66-87
ISSN: 1062-9769
In: International and Comparative Criminal Law Series, 27
In: International and Comparative Criminal Law Ser. v.27
The Second Edition of ""Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law"" ventures farther into this uneasy territory than any previous work, offering a meticulous analysis of the case law in the post World War II Military Tribunals and the ad hoc tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, with particular attention to the defenses developed, their rationales, and their origins in various municipal systems. It analyzes the defense provisions in the charters and statutes underlying these tribunals and the new International Criminal Court, while examining the first judgment in this field
In: Die gesellschaftliche Macht des Geldes, S. 286-315