
4 Ergebnisse


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#129. August 2024

Study of Aging Characteristics for Metalized HTPB Based Composite Solid Propellants Stored in Ambient Conditions

In: Defence science journal: DSJ, Band 74, Heft 5, S. 615-626

ISSN: 0011-748X

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#22020

Changes in telepsychiatry regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: 17 countries and regions' approaches to an evolving healthcare landscape


Open Access#32020

Changes in telepsychiatry regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: 17 countries and regions' approaches to an evolving healthcare landscape

In: Kinoshita , S , Cortright , K , Crawford , A , Mizuno , Y , Yoshida , K , Hilty , D , Guinart , D , Torous , J , Correll , C U , Castle , D J , Rocha , D , Yang , Y , Xiang , Y-T , Kølbæk , P , Dines , D , ElShami , M , Jain , P , Kallivayalil , R , Solmi , M , Favaro , A , Veronese , N , Seedat , S , Shin , S , Salazar de Pablo , G , Chang , C-H , Su , K-P , Karas , H , Kane , J M , Yellowlees , P & Kishimoto , T 2020 , ' Changes in telepsychiatry regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: 17 countries and regions' approaches to an evolving healthcare landscape. ' , Psychological Medicine .


Open Access#42020

Changes in telepsychiatry regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic: 17 countries and regions' approaches to an evolving healthcare landscape