Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Credits -- Introduction:Living with Contradictions -- Part One: Equality -- Introduction -- Sexual Differenceand Sexual Equality -- Reconstructing Sexual Equality -- Toward Feminist Jurisprudence -- Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics -- Part Two: Women Working -- Introduction -- Section A:Affirmative Action and Comparable Worth -- Reverse Discriminationas Unjustified -- Fairness, Meritocracy, andReverse Discrimination -- The Wage Gap: Myths and Facts -- An Argument AgainstComparable Worth -- Some Implicationsof Comparable Worth -- Section B: Sex Work -- Prostitution -- A Most Useful Tool -- What's Wrong with Prostitution? -- Stripper -- Confronting the Liberal Lies About Prostitution -- International Committee for Prostitutes' Rights World Charter and World Whores' Congress Statements -- Part Three: Marketing Feminity -- Introduction -- Section A: Representing Women: Pornography, Art, and Popular Culture -- Why Pornography Matters to Feminists -- Pornography, Oppression, and Freedom: A Closer Look -- Feminism, Moralism, and Pornography -- False Promises: Feminist Antipornography Legislation -- Racism in Pornography and the Women's Movement -- Confessions of a Feminist Porno Star -- The Cum Shot: Takes on Lesbian and Gay Sexuality -- Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women Is Different -- Ways of Seeing -- Section B: Presenting Women: Fashion and Beauty -- What's Wrong with Being a Sex Object? -- Bibo -- The Unadorned Feminist -- Gynocide:Chinese Footbinding -- Do SomethingAbout Your Weight -- Hunger -- Skin Deep -- Marieme -- The Myth of the Perfect Body -- Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the Colonization of Women's Bodies