Trata-se de resenha sobre o livro Serviços Locais de Saúde: Construção de Atores e Políticas, organizado por Regina Cele de A. Bodstein, publicado pela Editora Relume Dumara, RJ, 19.
In cities such as São Paulo, the periphery is the locus of social exclusion, segregation, disarray, and vulnerability. Programs of inclusion seek to empower local actors to work in coordinated fashion toward improvements in the quality of life. Successful experiments show that programs to foster cooperation between local actors, NGOs, community organizations, and municipal governments have very positive effects. The challenge of these programs is to increase social capital available to poor urban dwellers by creating and reinforcing dense networks of intermediate organizations—civil associations, churches, community groups, schools, professional associations—to cushion against social decomposition. The dynamic practices reviewed here—digital inclusion, social entrepreneurship, income generation, educational subsidies, and job training—offer different ways of reducing social exclusion. All depend significantly on local organizational capacities and potential individual mobilization. Important changes occur when practices are implemented cooperatively by local actors, government officials, and professionals within organized civil society.
In cities such as Sao Paulo, the periphery is the locus of social exclusion, segregation, disarray, and vulnerability. Programs of inclusion seek to empower local actors to work in coordinated fashion toward improvements in the quality of life. Successful experiments show that programs to foster cooperation between local actors, NGOs, community organizations, and municipal governments have very positive effects. The challenge of these programs is to increase social capital available to poor urban dwellers by creating and reinforcing dense networks of intermediate organizations -- civil associations, churches, community groups, schools, professional associations -- to cushion against social decomposition. The dynamic practices reviewed here -- digital inclusion, social entrepreneurship, income generation, educational subsidies, and job training -- offer different ways of reducing social exclusion. All depend significantly on local organizational capacities and potential individual mobilization. Important changes occur when practices are implemented cooperatively by local actors, government officials, and professionals within organized civil society. Tables, References. [Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Inc., copyright 2006 The American Academy of Political and Social Science.]
In cities such as São Paulo, the periphery is the locus of social exclusion, segregation, disarray, and vulnerability. Programs of inclusion seek to empower local actors to work in coordinated fashion toward improvements in the quality of life. Successful experiments show that programs to foster cooperation between local actors, NGOs, community organizations, and municipal governments have very positive effects. The challenge of these programs is to increase social capital available to poor urban dwellers by creating and reinforcing dense networks of intermediate organizations-civil associations, churches, community groups, schools, professional associations-to cushion against social decomposition. The dynamic practices reviewed here-digital inclusion, social entrepreneurship, income generation, educational subsidies, and job training-offer different ways of reducing social inclusion. All depend significantly on local organizational capacities and potential individual mobilization. Important changes occur when practices are implemented cooperatively by local actors, government officials, and professionals within organized civil society.[Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Inc., copyright 2006 The American Academy of Political and Social Science.]
Este artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa que aborda a percepção dos moradores sobre os problemas ambientais, a forma de resolução e os agentes envolvidos. Os problemas ambientais urbanos são pesquisados no nível domiciliar através da percepção que os moradores têm de suas qualidade e condições de vida. Para apresentar as diferenças nas percepções, nas atitudes e nas condições sócio-ambientais do município, foram escolhidas três regiões que representam os estratos de alta, média e baixa renda que residem nas regiões central, intermediária e periférica. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, apesar das conhecidas diferenças entre áreas centrais e periféricas, os moradores revelam uma grande dependência da ação governamental. As diferenças na ênfase dada aos problemas entre as três regiões mostram que enquanto os mais excluídos privilegiam o aspecto quantitativo -garantia do acesso ao serviço- os moradores dos bairros centrais e intermediários privilegiam uma perspectiva global do serviço -limpeza dos rios, fontes de água e reservatórios de água. Os resultados reforçam as já bem conhecidas diferenças e desigualdades entre as áreas centrais, intermediárias e periféricas da cidade, sendo que neste complexo contexto urbano, a realidade sócio-ambiental de uma grande parte da população está caracterizada pelas dimensões da exclusão, dos problemas, do risco, da falta de informação e dos canais de participação.
This article describes and analyzes the main environmental problems that affect the city of Sao Paulo. The article views the impacts of the local dynamics of urbanization and its effects on daily life. The discussion is centered on the complexity of the environmental management processes and the implementation of conventional and non‐conventional policies and programmes to prevent environmental degradation. Possible solutions to alleviate the effects of floods and climate factors on households are debated as well as the possibilities of formulating more participatory oriented policies to engage citizens in the knowledge of environmental risks. These issues represent a very complex challenge to the urban government of Sao Paulo.