Career transitions and employability
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 126, S. 103475
ISSN: 1095-9084
3 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 126, S. 103475
ISSN: 1095-9084
In: Journal of management education: the official publication of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, Band 48, Heft 2, S. 399-419
ISSN: 1552-6658
This article provides an overview of the Global Leadership course, a 6-credit course integrated within the curriculum of all advanced master programs of Antwerp Management School and designed to align with the school's overarching mission. The course challenges and facilitates students in developing their leadership as a basis for making career choices, explicitly framing it within a global perspective and focusing on sustainability. The course is built on the belief that career development should not occur in isolation. Rather, it should be interwoven within the societal context in which careers unfold, bringing opportunities and challenges. Concretely, students work in diverse cross-program groups on an Action Learning Project addressing one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Further, students follow a track within their program focused on personal development, culminating in the submission of a Personal Development Paper in which they integrate all course experiences as a basis for developing a vision of their career. Through this holistic approach, students develop career competencies beyond considering the "why, what, and how" of work but are stimulated to consider the broader societal context.
This project has received funding from the Covid-19-Fund KU Leuven / University Hospitals Leuven, the COVID-19 call of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) (grant G0G4820N), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant 101,003,627, Swift COronavirus therapeutics REsponse project) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Grant INV-00,636). LLi is member of the Institute of Tropical Medicine's Outbreak Research Team which is financially supported by the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) of the Flemish government. BV is supported by a research grant of the Frans Van de Werf Fund for Clinical Cardiovascular Research. P. Verhamme, TV, P. Vermeersch are senior clinical investigators of the FWO. We thank Johnson & Johnson for determining drug concentrations in hamster samples and for providing. guidance on the dosing. We thank Lindsey Bervoets, Carolien De Keyzer, Elke Maas and Jasper Rymentants for the technical support with the animal experiments. TNDD is funded by the Horizon 2020 grant OrganoVIR 812,673 on the project 'Organoids for Virus Research - An innovative training-ITN programme'. XW and XZ received funding of the China Scholarship Council (CSC) (grant number 201,806,170,087 and 201,906,170,033). Part of this research work was performed using the 'Caps-It' research infrastructure (project ZW13 02) that was financially supported by the Hercules Foundation (FWO) and Rega Foundation, KU Leuven.