37 Ergebnisse
The Pearl and the Flame: A Journey into Jewish Wisdom and Ecological Thinking , by Natan Margalit
In: Worldviews: global religions, culture and ecology, Band 27, Heft 1-2, S. 181-184
ISSN: 1568-5357
Values and attitudes of the urban public towards peri-urban agricultural land
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 34, S. 80-90
ISSN: 0264-8377
Values and attitudes of the urban public towards peri-urban agricultural land
In: Land use policy, Band 34
ISSN: 0264-8377
From city in the park to "greenery in plant pots": The influence of socialist and post-socialist planning on opportunities for cultural ecosystem services
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 120, S. 106309
ISSN: 0264-8377
Can we plan for urban cultural ecosystem services?
In: Journal of urban ecology, Band 6, Heft 1
ISSN: 2058-5543
Despite being intangible, subjective and difficult to measure, cultural ecosystem services (CES) are more comprehensible and meaningful to people than many other services. They contribute greatly to the quality of urban life and achieving sustainability. Yet, little attention has been paid to how CES might practically be incorporated into urban planning. This paper addresses this gap by examining the challenges planners might face when handling CES, establishing strategies for addressing the challenges and highlighting key factors planners should consider when planning for CES. CES differ greatly from other ecosystem services—they are definitionally vague, difficult to measure, often bundled with other services and depend on users' perceptions and situational factors. Therefore, rather than adopting a deterministic approach to generating CES, we suggest that urban planners should seek to create opportunities for CES to 'hatch' and 'grow' as people encounter nature in cities. This paper draws from diverse theoretical considerations of the CES concept as well as greenspace planning scholarship and practice. We identify five factors that need to be considered when planning for CES: place, people, past, practices and purpose. We see the proposed '5P' framework as a useful heuristic for planners when implementing CES in urban planning.
Urbano planiranje u Hrvatskoj tijekom socijalističkoga režima ; Urban planning in socialist Croatia
Gotovo pola stoljeća urbano planiranje u Hrvatskoj razvijalo se u okviru socijalističkoga režima. Ono je tijekom toga razdoblja uglavnom imalo ulogu rješavanja hitnih problema razvoja socijalističkoga režima vezanih za prostor i omogućavanja gospodarskoga rasta. Ovaj članak analizira urbano planiranje u Hrvatskoj između 1944. i 1991. godine kroz osam aspekata: opću zadaću planiranja u promatranoj etapi, zakonsku regulativu, odnos prema društvenom planiranju, političkoinstitucionalnu odgovornost, utjecaj urbanih planera na planersku praksu, provedbu planova, sudjelovanje javnosti i odnos prema okolišu. Analizirani su arhivski podatci i literatura o zakonodavstvu i praksi urbanoga, prostornoga i društvenoga planiranja u SR Hrvatskoj, uključujući planerske časopise Arhitekturu i Čovjek i prostor, kao i plansku legislativu iz socijalističkoga razdoblja. Definirano je pet razvojnih etapa kroz koje je urbano planiranje doživjelo decentralizaciju od federalne do razine općine (komune) te napredak glede sudjelovanja javnosti i razmatranja utjecaja na okoliš. Također je analiziran razvoj planskih alata nastalih tijekom socijalističkoga razdoblja, a koji su ostali u upotrebi do danas. ; For almost half of a century, urban planning in Croatia took place under the socialist regime. During that time, it mostly played a role in addressing the pressing space-related issues of the development of socialist society, and in facilitating economic growth. In this paper, we examine urban planning in Croatia between 1944 and 1991 from eight aspects: the general roles of planning; legislation; relationship to societal planning; political-institutional responsibility; urban planners and policy; plan execution; public participation; and environmental concerns. We analysed archival data and literature on urban, spatial and societal planning legislation and practices in the Socialist Republic of Croatia, including the planning journals Arhitektura and Čovjek i prostor, and planning legislation from the socialist period. We outlined the five evolutionary phases over which urban planning experienced decentralisation from the federal to the communal level, advancements in public participation, and the involvement of environmental considerations in the decision-making process. We also studied the evolution of planning tools, which originated in the socialist period but remains in use today.
"In the Garden, I Make Up for What I Can't in the Park": Reconnecting Retired Adults with Nature Through Cultural Ecosystem Services from Urban Gardens
In: UFUG-D-22-00308
Mapping the research landscape of nature-based solutions in urbanism
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are an innovative concept that mimics the processes of natural ecosystems, popularized principally in the European Union. With a substantial body of literature amassed since the term's inception in 2015, there is a need to systematically review existing literature to identify overarching gaps and trends, according to disciplinary focus, geographic scope, and key themes, and direct future research inquiry and policy recommendations. This review consists of bibliometric analysis and thematic analysis for NBS studies in urbanism. NBS studies were found to relate strongly with other concepts of 'Ecosystem Services', 'Green Infrastructure', 'Climate Change', and 'Risk management and Resilience', which align with four major thematic goals set by the European Commission. Within NBS scholarship, various sub-themes have emerged, namely, 'Greening', 'Urban Development', 'Water', 'Wellbeing', and 'Governance'. Furthermore, we illustrate that the amount and thematic focus of NBS research have been unevenly distributed worldwide. Analysis of emerging trends shows a recent increase in topics, such as adaptive governance of NBS, and the incorporation of social justice in sustainability transitions. Based on an assessment of extant NBS literature, we offer some recommendations for the future direction of the research fields.
Modes and practices of rural vitalisation promoted by land consolidation in a rapidly urbanising China: A perspective of multifunctionality
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 121, S. 102514
The role of religion in shaping the values of nature
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 29, Heft 2
ISSN: 1708-3087
Using social data in strategic environmental assessment to conserve biodiversity
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 47, S. 332-341
ISSN: 0264-8377
Potable Water Treatment and Reuse of Domestic Wastewater in the CMHC Toronto 'Healthy House'
In: A.R. Townshend, E.C. Jowett, R.A. LeCraw, D.H. Waller, R. Paloheimo, C. Ives, P. Russell, and M. Liefhebber, 1997. Potable water treatment and reuse of domestic wastewater in the CMHC Toronto 'Healthy House'. In: Site Characterization and Design of On-Site Septic Systems, ASTM STP 1324, M.S. Bedinge
Examining Sponge City Coverage and Perceptions in Global News Media
In: JCIT-D-24-02769
Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking
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