Spread of Low-Cost Carriers: Tourism and Regional Policy Effects in Spain
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 559-570
ISSN: 1360-0591
7 Ergebnisse
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 559-570
ISSN: 1360-0591
Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze how tourist municipalities in the state of Paraná understand and consider the importance of the concept of smart tourism destinations (STD) for their management. The study is justified by the relevance of the theme for destination management, considering the importance of new technology for tourism development. The originality of the study is twofold: the approach to the topic of smart tourism destinations in the context of the state of Paraná and the data collection method, coming from a country (Spain) that is a reference in the studies of smart tourism destinations. With the contribution of the theoretical framework it was possible to understand the concepts that permeate the smart tourism destinations, such as tourist destinations, destination management, information and communication technologies (ICT). This understanding was the base for the analysis carried out in the article. A mixed-method approach was adopted, since the quantitative and qualitative results were analyzed and validated through the pairing with the concepts discussed in the theoretical framework. The data collection instrument was designed by the University Institute for Tourism Research, University of Alicante, Spain, and adapted to the reality of the municipalities of Paraná, aiming to cover a spectrum of responses consistent with the perceived reality, the population of the study comprised 224 municipalities, of which 76 answers were obtained. As main results, we highlight that municipalities understand the concept and its importance for management, however, none of the destinations has governmental structures (regulatory frameworks), basic infrastructure or sufficient information to become, in coming years, smart tourism destinations.
O presente artigo teve por objetivo analisar como os municípios turísticos do estado do Paraná compreendem e consideram a importância do conceito de destinos turísticos inteligentes (DTI) para sua gestão. O estudo justifica-se pela relevância do tema para o desenvolvimento de políticas para a gestão de destinos turísticos, considerando a importância das novas tecnologias para o desenvolvimento do turismo, destaca-se também a originalidade do estudo devido a dois aspectos: a abordagem dada ao tema destinos turísticos inteligentes em detrimento a realidade do estado do Paraná e a metodologia utilizada na coleta de dados, proveniente de um país (Espanha) que é referência nos estudos de destinos turísticos inteligentes. Com o aporte do marco teórico foi possível a compreensão dos conceitos que permeiam os destinos turísticos inteligentes, tais como destinos turísticos, gestão de destinos, tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC). Essa compreensão embasou as análises realizadas no artigo. A metodologia adotada neste artigo baseia-se em métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, uma vez que os resultados quantitativos e qualitativos foram analisados e validados através do emparelhamento com os conceitos discutidos no marco teórico. Para que os dados fossem coletados, um questionário construído pelo Instituto Universitário Investigaciones Turísticas da Universidade de Alicante-Espanha foi adaptado para a realidade dos municípios paranaenses, visando obter um espectro de respostas condizentes com a realidade vivenciada, a população total do estudo compreendeu 224 municípios, desse total, foram obtidas 76 respostas. Como principais resultados, é válido destacar que os municípios compreendem o conceito e entendem sua importância para a gestão, no entanto, nenhum dos destinos apresenta estruturas governamentais (marcos regulatórios), infraestrutura básica ou informações suficientes para a evolução imediata para um destino turístico inteligente. ; The aim of this article was to analyze how the tourist municipalities of the state of Paraná understand and consider the importance of the concept of smart tourism destinations (STD) for their management. The study is justified by the relevance of the theme for the development of policies for the management of tourist destinations, considering the importance of new technologies for the development of tourism, we also highlight the originality of the study due to two aspects: the approach given to the smart tourism destinations theme in detriment to the reality of the state of Paraná and the methodology used in the data collection, coming from a country (Spain) that is a reference in the studies of smart tourism destinations. With the contribution of the theoretical framework it was possible to understand the concepts that permeate the smart tourism destinations, such as tourism destinations, destination management, information and communication technologies (ICT). This understanding based the analyzes carried out in the article. The methodology adopted in this article is based on qualitative and quantitative methods, since the quantitative and qualitative results were analyzed and validated through the pairing with the concepts discussed in the theoretical framework. To collect the data, a questionnaire constructed by the Instituto Universitário de Investigaciones Turísticas da Universidade de Alicante-Espanha was adapted to the reality of the municipalities of Paraná, aiming to achieve a spectrum of responses consistent with the reality perceived, the total population of the study comprised 224 municipalities, of which 76 answers were obtained. As main results, it is worth mentioning that municipalities understand the concept and its importance for management, however, none of the destinations has governmental structures (regulatory frameworks), basic infrastructure or sufficient information for the immediate evolution to a smart tourism destination. ; El presente artículo tuvo por objetivo analizar cómo los municipios turísticos del estado de Paraná entienden y consideran la importancia del concepto de destinos turísticos inteligentes (DTI) para su gestión. El estudio se justifica por la relevancia del tema para el desarrollo de políticas para la gestión de destinos turísticos, considerando la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo del turismo, se destaca también la originalidad del estudio debido a dos aspectos: el enfoque dado al tema destinos turísticos inteligentes en detrimento de la realidad del estado de Paraná y la metodología utilizada en la colecta de datos, proveniente de un país (España) que es referencia en los estudios de destinos turísticos inteligentes. Con el aporte del marco teórico fue posible entender los conceptos relacionados con los destinos turísticos inteligentes, tales como destinos turísticos, gestión de destinos y las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Este marco teórico ha fundamentado los análisis realizadas en el artículo. La metodología adoptada en este artículo se basa en aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos, ya que los resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos fueron analizados y validados a través del emparejamiento con los conceptos discutidos en el marco teórico. Para la obtención de datos, se adaptó un cuestionario construido por el Instituto Universitario Investigaciones Turísticas de la Universidad de Alicante-España a la realidad de los municipios de Paraná, buscando obtener un espectro de respuestas concordantes con la realidad percibida, la población total del estudio comprendió 224 municipios, de ese total, se obtuvieron 76 respuestas. Como principales resultados, es válido destacar que los municipios comprenden el concepto y entienden su importancia para la gestión, sin embargo, ninguno de los destinos presenta estructuras gubernamentales (marcos regulatorios), infraestructura básica o informaciones suficientes para la evolución inmediata hacia un destino turístico inteligente. ; Este trabalho faz parte do Projeto de Investigação "Novos enfoques para o planejamento e gestão de negócios: conceituação, análise de experiências e problemas. Definição de modelos operacionais para destinos turísticos inteligentes "(Projeto CSO2014-59193-R) do Programa Estatal de I + D + I do Ministério de Economia e Competitividade (Espanha).
The rapid increase in urban tourism flows generates problems of tourist overcrowding and gives rise to important challenges for city management. Within this context, urban tourism planning is experiencing a convergence of new paradigms related to the so-called Smart Tourist Destinations (SD). Smart tourism and its operational level open up new avenues for intervention in the city which can help to manage overtourism. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the level of implementation of smart solutions in four Spanish destinations: Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid, Málaga and Valencia. The methodology used combines the compilation of information on initiatives and measures found in public tourism planning documents with semi-structured interviews with those responsible for managing the Smart City strategy and the SD project. The results reveal that there is a gap between the SD approaches, the level of implementation of smart solutions and their operability in relation to the management of tourist overload. Almost no technological solutions have been developed to address this issue, which is barely perceived as a problem by local governments. However, the need to generate knowledge that is useful for managing tourist overload constitutes a challenge faced by a growing number of destinations. ; El rápido aumento de los flujos de turismo urbano genera problemas de sobrecarga turística y plantea importantes retos para la gestión de la ciudad. En este escenario convergen a su vez nuevos paradigmas en la planificación del turismo relacionados con los llamados Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes (DTI). El turismo inteligente y su nivel operativo abren nuevas vías de intervención en la ciudad que pueden ayudar a gestionar la saturación turística. Por ello esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el nivel de implementación de soluciones inteligentes en cuatro destinos urbanos españoles: Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid, Málaga y Valencia. La metodología empleada combina la recopilación documental de iniciativas y medidas recogidas en documentos de planificación turística con la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de la estrategia Smart City y del proyecto DTI. Los resultados alcanzados permiten entrever un desfase entre los planteamientos del DTI, el nivel de implementación de soluciones inteligentes y su operatividad en relación con la gestión de la sobrecarga turística. Apenas existe desarrollo de soluciones aplicadas a este tema, escasamente percibido aún como problemático desde la administración local. No obstante, la necesidad de generar conocimiento útil para la gestión de la sobrecarga turística constituye un reto al que se enfrentan un número creciente de destinos. ; This work was supported by the Spanish National R&D&I Plan financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants CSO2016-75470-R (research project: Transformations of the historical urban landscape caused by tourism: contradictions and controversies, government and governance) and CSO2017-82592-R (research project: Analysis of planning processes applied to smart cities and tourist destinations. Balance and proposal of a new methodolgy: Smart Tourism Planning).
In: Desarrollo territorial 24
Crowd monitoring was an essential measure to deal with over-tourism problems in urban destinations in the pre-COVID era. It will play a crucial role in the pandemic scenario when restarting tourism and making destinations safer. Notably, a Destination Management Organisation (DMO) of a smart destination needs to deploy a technological layer for crowd monitoring that allows data gathering in order to count visitors and distinguish them from residents. The correct identification of visitors versus residents by a DMO, while privacy rights (e.g., Regulation EU 2016/679, also known as GDPR) are ensured, is an ongoing problem that has not been fully solved. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to gathering crowd data by processing (i) massive scanning of WiFi access points of the smart destination to find SSIDs (Service Set Identifier), as well as (ii) the exposed Preferred Network List (PNL) containing the SSIDs of WiFi access points to which WiFi-enabled mobile devices are likely to connect. These data enable us to provide the number of visitors and residents of a crowd at a given point of interest of a tourism destination. A pilot study has been conducted in the city of Alcoi (Spain), comparing data from our approach with data provided by manually filled surveys from the Alcoi Tourist Info office, with an average accuracy of 83%, thus showing the feasibility of our policy to enrich the information system of a smart destination. ; This research was carried out within the research Project Alcoi Tourist Lab framework, co-funded by the Alcoi City Council & the Valencian Innovation Agency. The research was also partially funded by project UAPOSTCOVID19-10 from the University of Alicante. Finally, this research was partly supported by the EU CEF project GreenMov, CARM HORECOV-21 project (https://horecovid.com/ (accessed on 12 January 2022)). is financed through the Call for Public Aid destined to finance the Strategic projects contemplated in the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization - RIS3MUR Strategy by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment within the framework of the FEDER Region of Murcia Operational Program 2014–2020 within the framework Thematic Objective 1. Strengthen research, technological development and innovation by 80% and with CARM's own funds in 20%, and finally the EU project H2020 NIoVE (833742).