
7 Ergebnisse


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Open Access#22017

Is it important to be a smart tourism destination? Public managers' understanding of destinations in the state of Paraná


Open Access#32017

É importante ser um destino turístico inteligente? A compreensão dos gestores públicos dos destinos do Estado do Paraná ; Is it important to be a smart tourism destination? The comprehension of the public managers of the destinations of the State of Paraná ; ¿Es importante ser un destino turístico i...


Open Access#52019

Overtourism in urban destinations: the myth of smart solutions ; Sobrecarga turística (overtourism) en espacios urbanos: el mito de las soluciones inteligentes


Open Access#72022

Crowd Monitoring in Smart Destinations Based on GDPR-Ready Opportunistic RF Scanning and Classification of WiFi Devices to Identify and Classify Visitors' Origins