Befestigte Siedlungen auf dem Balkan, in der Ägäis und in Westanatolien, ca. 5000 - 2000 v. Chr
In: Tübinger Schriften zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8
12 Ergebnisse
In: Tübinger Schriften zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8
In: Tübinger Schriften zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie Bd. 8
In: Journal of conflict archaeology, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 33-48
ISSN: 1574-0781
In: Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences, S. 52-62
ISSN: 2587-8956
The paper reports the findings of the study of the implementation of the creative function of language in Internet communication. This research perspective allows to consistently describe the functioning of language online and to explain the visible and controversially viewed by academics (as innovative or as destructive) processes in the language system, occurring under the influence of the Internet environment. The revision of traditional standards of communication when communicating via Internet occurs, first of all, due to extralinguistic factors (primarily, digital transformation) and, secondly, due to the Internet interlocutors' (both the speaker and the listener) attitude towards creative use of the language. The new extralinguistic conditions of language (multimedia, non-linear nature, its modules, hypertextuality, etc.) primarily release its creative potential as the novelty is inherently creative and requires the updating of traditional, familiar, and already studied forms of communication.
The influence of the creative function of the language can be traced both at the micro levels of the language system (especially at the phonetic and lexical levels) and at the macro level of the whole text (the emergence of new genres). At the phonetic level, influenced by the creative function, the language of the Internet acquires a special spoken-written character. Moreover, the imitation of orality in Internet communication is aimed not only at achieving maximum similarity of online communication to offline conversation, but also at the language play, emotionalism, updating the graphic code with emoji (for example, the use of emoji as ending punctuation marks, i.e., instead of period, exclamation mark, etc.). At the lexical level, the creative function of the language is evident in the emergence of proper Russian neologisms and borrowings for more accurate, sometimes more succinct denotation of the new reality. At the textual level, the study, e.g., of the model Internet genre of multimedia history, the identification of its special narrative structure and the multimedia nature of presenting the information suggests the creative potential of new genres in the online communication.
In: European Accounting Review, Forthcoming
In: Abacus, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 42-91
The results obtained by evaluating socio-political tension are used for the practical optimization of the life spheres of today's society. That is why it seems very topical to carry out research aimed at the development of methods how to analyze and evaluate various aspects of socio-political tension including those formed by integrating methods from different scientific fields. This paper is aimed at a theoretical test of method, a practical test of measuring model and their concerted integration with the mathematical methods and models for the interpretation of research results concerning socio-political tension. The theoretical and practical tests of the suggested method confirm the principal possibility of quantitative assessment of socio-political tension. The research included the test of an integral analysis of tendencies in group political attitude on the basis of the developed method. This method studies emotional, cognitive and behavioral components. This became possible thanks to the concerted integration of socio-psychological research principles, projective techniques and mathematical modeling. The authors propose to call this method a psycho-semantic phenomenological modeling of group political tension. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s2p73
4932 4943 2 11 ; S ; [EN] The structural and transport properties as well as the chemical stability of a series of proton-conducting oxides based on yttrium-doped barium zirconate were investigated. Specifically, Pr-, Fe- and Mn-doped BaZr1-x-yYxMyO3-delta compounds were prepared by solid state reaction. The compound exhibiting the highest total and protonic conductivity at elevated temperatures under reducing atmospheres was BaZr0.8Y0.15Mn0.05O3-delta. Temperature-programmed reduction experiments revealed a particular redox behavior related to the Mn-species under selected conditions. The hydrogen permeation was thoroughly studied as a function of the temperature, hydrogen concentration and the humidification degree in the sweep gas. Moreover, the transient processes induced by alternate step changes in the humidification degree of the sweep gas were analysed. The highest steady hydrogen evolution flow exceeded 0.03 ml min(-1) cm(-2) (0.9 mm-thick membrane) at 1000 degrees C for the humidified sweep gas. The stability of BaZr0.8Y0.15M0.05O3-delta under operation-relevant atmospheres (CO2-rich reducing atmosphere at high temperature) was tested using different techniques ( X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, SEM, TEM and TG) and the results showed that this material is stable even when exposed to 115 ppm H2S. Financial support by the Spanish Ministry for Economics and Competitiveness (JAE-Pre 08-0058, ENE2008-06302 and ENE2011-24761 grants) and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers through the Helmholtz Alliance MEM-BRAIN (Initiative and Networking Fund) is kindly acknowledged. Dr M. Ivanova thanks the Northern European Innovative Energy Research Program N-INNER (grant no. 09- 064274) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for supporting the N-INNER Project ''Novel High Temperature Proton and Mixed-Proton Electron Conductors for Fuel Cells and H2-separation membranes'' (Contract 03SF0330). Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Ivanova, M.; Solis Díaz, C.; Roitsch, S.; Meulenberg, WA.; ...
[EN] Hydrogen permeation membranes are a key element in improving the energy conversion efficiency and decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation. The scientific community faces the challenge of identifying and optimizing stable and effective ceramic materials for H-2 separation membranes at elevated temperature (400-800 degrees C) for industrial separations and intensified catalytic reactors. As such, composite materials with nominal composition BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta:Ce0.8Y0.2O2-delta revealed unprecedented H-2 permeation levels of 0.4 to 0.61 mL center dot min(-1)center dot cm(-2) at 700 degrees C measured on 500 mu m-thick-specimen. A detailed structural and phase study revealed single phase perovskite and fluorite starting materials synthesized via the conventional ceramic route. Strong tendency of Eu to migrate from the perovskite to the fluorite phase was observed at sintering temperature, leading to significant Eu depletion of the proton conducing BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta phase. Composite microstructure was examined prior and after a variety of functional tests, including electrical conductivity, H-2-permeation and stability in CO2 containing atmospheres at elevated temperatures, revealing stable material without morphological and structural changes, with segregation-free interfaces and no further diffusive effects between the constituting phases. In this context, dual phase material based on BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta:Ce0.8Y0.2O2-delta represents a very promising candidate for H-2 separating membrane in energy-and environmentally-related applications ; This work has been conducted with the financial support by the Helmholtz Association under the Research Programme Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources. Financial funding from the Spanish Government (ENE2014-57651 and SEV-2012-0267 grants) is also gratefully acknowledged. ZEA-3 at FZJ is gratefully acknowledged for performing the ICP-OES analysis. ; Ivanova, ME.; Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Balaguer Ramírez, M.; Palisaitis, J.; Sohn, YJ.; ...
1 14 6 ; S Escolastico, S., Solis, C., Scherb, T., Schumacher, G. & Serra, J. M. Hydrogen separation in La5.5WO11.25δ membranes. J. Memb. Sci. 444, 276–284 (2013). Meulenberg, W. A. et al. (US Patent App. 13/810,296, 2011). ; [EN] Hydrogen permeation membranes are a key element in improving the energy conversion efficiency and decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation. The scientific community faces the challenge of identifying and optimizing stable and effective ceramic materials for H-2 separation membranes at elevated temperature (400-800 degrees C) for industrial separations and intensified catalytic reactors. As such, composite materials with nominal composition BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta:Ce0.8Y0.2O2-delta revealed unprecedented H-2 permeation levels of 0.4 to 0.61 mL center dot min(-1)center dot cm(-2) at 700 degrees C measured on 500 mu m-thick-specimen. A detailed structural and phase study revealed single phase perovskite and fluorite starting materials synthesized via the conventional ceramic route. Strong tendency of Eu to migrate from the perovskite to the fluorite phase was observed at sintering temperature, leading to significant Eu depletion of the proton conducing BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta phase. Composite microstructure was examined prior and after a variety of functional tests, including electrical conductivity, H-2-permeation and stability in CO2 containing atmospheres at elevated temperatures, revealing stable material without morphological and structural changes, with segregation-free interfaces and no further diffusive effects between the constituting phases. In this context, dual phase material based on BaCe0.8Eu0.2O3-delta:Ce0.8Y0.2O2-delta represents a very promising candidate for H-2 separating membrane in energy-and environmentally-related applications This work has been conducted with the financial support by the Helmholtz Association under the Research Programme Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources. Financial funding from the Spanish Government (ENE2014-57651 and ...
In: Vestnik RFFI, Heft 3(91), S. 83-91
ISSN: 2410-4639