Sweetpotatoes [ Ipomoea batatas (L.) lam]: the super food of the Next Century? An intensive review on their potential as a sustainable and versatile food source for future generations
In: CyTA: journal of food, Band 22, Heft 1
ISSN: 1947-6345
19 Ergebnisse
In: CyTA: journal of food, Band 22, Heft 1
ISSN: 1947-6345
In: The Bangladesh development studies: the journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Band XLII, Heft 4, S. 51-82
The paper attempts to examine the economic effect of changing age structure in Bangladesh in the demographic dividend while being cautious of aggregation bias. One of the major contributions of this paper to the estimation of the demographic dividend literature is its use of a disaggregated dataset to produce a representative estimation of demographic dividend and compare among different education groups. The findings of the paper shed light on the debate on the sources of the first demographic dividend—whether this dividend comes from a pure age structure factor or represents an education dividend. When the economic profiles are disaggregated by levels of education, the Economic Support Ratio (ESR) decreases compared to the estimates when it only classified by ages. After estimating the first demographic dividend, the paper disaggregates the dividend into education effect and age effect using the Das Gupta decomposition technique. Results show that the size of the dividend is driven largely by age effects, while the education effect has been negative in Bangladesh for the past decades. The negative education effect indicates the aggregation bias in the estimates of support ratio if data is not disaggregated at that level.
In: European review of applied sociology, Band 11, Heft 16, S. 27-35
ISSN: 2286-2552
International migration has positive impacts on socio-economic development in Bangladesh. Using secondary data, this paper explores the impacts of remittances on socio-economic development in Bangladesh. The article reveals that remittance has significant impacts on Bangladesh economy and socio-economic development, for example, reducing the poverty, increasing the household expenditure, saving, leading to maintain the quality of life as well as gender equality. Therefore, the government should take necessary steps to fostering international migration as a national strategy for economic development of Bangladesh.
In: The Bangladesh development studies: the journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Band XLIII, Heft 1&2, S. 35-62
This paper argues that the study of wage gaps between public and private sector employees is sensitive to the selection of the sample. In the context of Bangladesh, Labour Force Surveys is a dominant source of employment-related data, which is disproportionately inflated with large pool of informal sector employees. Since government jobs are highly formal, the studies on wage differentials should select the groups that are as much comparable as possible on the question of formality. However, employing Oaxaca-Blinder mean decomposition method and Melly quantile counterfactual decomposition method, we find a decreasing trend in public sector wage premium as we impose more restrictions to make the sectors fitting formal. The wage differential even disappears in the entire restriction sample, and it is slightly biased towards private in the top quantile only. Therefore, we can conclude that the superiority of the public sector job does not come from wage compensation but non-monetary issues, with a strong implication for labour markets in Bangladesh.
In: The journal of developing areas, Band 57, Heft 3, S. 79-105
ISSN: 1548-2278
ABSTRACT: The rapid economic progress of Bangladesh is associated with a swiftly rising demand and energy consumption. Future economic growth will undoubtedly require a proportionate increase in energy availability within affordable prices. Bangladesh is inherently energy-scarce and heavily dependent on imported energy, primarily fossil fuels. Several approaches and strategies were attempted over time to mitigate the energy shortage. Some of them were reasonably successful, while others failed. In this study, we first examine the historical developments of the energy sector in Bangladesh since its independence and then use three approaches – triple exponential smoothing, vector autoregression, and the Cochrane-Orcutt AR(1) process to forecast the energy demand. Data for this study were taken from various sources, including British Petroleum, International Gas Union, International Energy Agency, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, World Bank, Petrobangla, and Energy Information Agency of the United States. As expected, each model predicts an exponential growth of energy demand in Bangladesh. We then explored the possibilities of mitigating such projected energy demand. Various studies show that Bangladesh has some potential for producing energy from renewable sources, i.e., solar, hydro, wind, wave, and others. However, such possibilities are limited, and many are still in their infancy. Although an increase in renewable energy is desirable from an environmental perspective, it alone will not meet Bangladesh's growing energy demand. At least in the short term, Bangladesh must rely on imported fossil energy. Among the fossil energy sources, LNG is by far the cleanest. With the development of technology, liquefaction, transportation, and regasification, LNG production, transportation, and use are becoming less expensive. Progressively more natural gas-producing countries are joining LNG production and export, contributing to the market's competitiveness. Though historically tied to the oil market, LNG markets are becoming more and more independent because of the increasing number of participants from both the demand and supply sides. Given that both its global price and negative impact on the environment are relatively lower than other fossil fuels, imported LNG should be the fuel of choice for Bangladesh. Government policies should focus on both importing LNG and expanding renewable energy resources.
In: International review on public and non-profit marketing, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 219-245
ISSN: 1865-1992
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 1781-1790
ISSN: 0067-2904
The cloud-users are getting impatient by experiencing the delays in loading the content of the web applications over the internet, which is usually caused by the complex latency while accessing the cloud datacenters distant from the cloud-users. It is becoming a catastrophic situation in availing the services and applications over the cloud-centric network. In cloud, workload is distributed across the multiple layers which also increases the latency. Time-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services, usually in a cloud platform, are running over various virtual machines (VM's) and possess high complexities while interacting. They face difficulties in the consolidations of the various applications containing heterogenetic workloads. Fog computing takes the cloud computing services to the edge-network, where computation, communication and storage are within the proximity to the end-user's edge devices. Thus, it utilizes the maximum network bandwidth, enriches the mobility, and lowers the latency. It is a futuristic, convenient and more reliable platform to overcome the cloud computing issues. In this manuscript, we propose a Fog-based Spider Web Algorithm (FSWA), a heuristic approach which reduces the delays time (DT) and enhances the response time (RT) during the workflow among the various edge nodes across the fog network. The main purpose is to trace and locate the nearest f-node for computation and to reduce the latency across the various nodes in a network. Reduction of latency will enhance the quality of service (QoS) parameters, smooth resource distribution, and services availability. Latency can be an important factor for resource optimization issues in distributed computing environments. In comparison to the cloud computing, the latency in fog computing is much improved.
In: Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities: an official journal of the Cobb-NMA Health Institute, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 32-40
ISSN: 2196-8837
In: Labour & industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 182-202
ISSN: 2325-5676
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 5520-5533
ISSN: 0067-2904
Recently, the Internet of Things has emerged as an encouraging technology that is scaling up new heights towards the modernization of real word physical objects into smarter devices in several domains. Internet of Things (IoT) based solutions in agriculture drives farming into a smart way through the proliferation of smart devices to enhanced production with minimal human involvement. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the role of IoT in prominent applications of farming, wireless communication protocols, and the role of sensors in precision farming. In this research article, the existing frameworks in IoT-based agriculture systems with relevant technologies are presented. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of the apple disease prediction system concerning different types of disease found in the apple crop are discussed. In addition, this paper presents the contributions made by numerous researchers over the past few years in the apple disease prediction system. The aim of this research is to support the development of smart agriculture applications that would be helpful in precision farming for the optimization of resources with the help of IoT in agriculture and early disease prediction in apple crops.
In: Journal of consumer behaviour, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 186-202
ISSN: 1479-1838
AbstractThis study aims to investigate the association between service provider value cocreation (PVCC) and customer perceived quality of life (QOL) in a healthcare service context. This study also examines the mediating role of customer value cocreation (CVCC) and the moderating role of customer emotions using a conditional process framework. To examine the conceptual model, data were collected through an online survey of 441 healthcare customers. The hypotheses were tested using covariance‐based structural equation modeling (CB‐SEM) and PROCESS macro. The results show that PVCC positively influences both CVCC and QOL. The effect of CVCC on QOL is positive and significant. CVCC plays a mediating role in the link between PVCC and QOL. In addition, the absence of negative emotion serves as a moderator in improving perceived QOL. Evaluating value cocreation efforts allows service providers to understand their readiness for supportive value cocreation practices. Service providers must also focus on customers' roles in the value cocreation process. In addition, handling customers' emotions should be of particular interest to frontline service providers, because it augments a positive value cocreation practice beneficial to CVCC and QOL enhancement. This study contributes to the value cocreation literature by proposing a framework that combines the value cocreation of service providers and customers in enhancing QOL. This study also explicates and validates the complex role of value cocreation and emotion in the healthcare service context. The theoretical and managerial implications are also presented.
Bangladesh is enriched with beautiful traditional indigenous cultures. Different indigenous peoples with their distinctive existences also considerably create an enhance values and lifestyles to the socio-cultural sectors of Bangladesh [1]. Habitually, these indigenous communities have been comparable to live a large combined family to shear their lifestyles [2]. Presently the country has 45 indigenous communities who are living in different locations. All indigenous people within this country have their own style to build their settlements with special techniques to keep them safe and sound from all types of natural and environmental vulnerabilities and also enhance their knowledge of construction techniques and lifestyle. Rakhain is one of them with very small number of people are still living in different regions within the country which have their own system of building techniques. Study found that for several hundreds of years Rakhains are strictly following their indigenous prescription of house and settlement pattern. Although like other indigenous people of this country, they have mountains of problems, such as forced land occupation, lack of security and minority characteristics. Above all, forced political separation has gradually drowned them in the abysmal pit of marginal destiny. This has turned them into exiles in their own land. As a result, many of them are being forced to leave the country and as a result they misplaced their native knowledge and technique to construct. Thus, this study will initially focus on to search for the distinctiveness of their settlement pattern and building construction techniques and lifestyle. Again, in view of their problems, knowledge and experiences concerning archetype, built and house pattern, this study will finally explain how Rakhains accumulate their every distinctiveness from history and for present and future invention.
Social and Behavioral Change (SBC) has long been considered as core component of hand washing with soap (HWWS) intervention, but identifying barriers and enablers of HWWS from a behavioral perspective is limited. By examining twelve potential behavioral determinants this Barrier Analysis study was conducted to identify the barriers and enablers of HWWS after defecation in urban setting in Bangladesh. We conducted 45 interviews with those who washed their hands with soap after defecation ("Doers") and another 45 interviews with those who did not ("Non-doers"). Data analysis was performed to identify which beliefs were most highly-associated with hand washing with soap. The analysis showed that two of the main barriers of HWWS after defecation were related to perceived self-efficacy and access, especially availability of soap. Non-doers claimed that access to soap was difficult due to lack of money and unavailability at nearby shops. Other important determinants such as difficulty remembering to buy soap (cues for action)), believing that most people did not approve of HWWS (e.g. perceived social norms), low perceived severity of diarrhea, and not believing that HWWS would work to reduce diarrhea (perceived action efficacy) were significantly correlated with adoption of the behavior. Perceived divine will (believing that it is God's will when one gets diarrhea) was also a factor among the Non-doers. Other benefits such as feeling clean and keeping free from illness were reported more often by Doers, while Non-doers were more likely to report increased costs as a barrier to HWWS. The results suggest that an integrated behavior change strategy promoting specific beliefs about HWWS using culturally-inclusive messaging and activities to address the different barriers and leverage the different enablers may lead to better adoption of HWWS.