Peculiarities of interpretation of choir works of S. Vorobkevich in the context of A. Kushnirenko's oeuvre: regional and integrative aspects
In: Visnyk Nacionalʹnoi͏̈ akademii͏̈ kerivnych kadriv kulʹtury i mystectv: National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts herald, Heft 4
ISSN: 2409-0506
The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of the interpretation of Sidor Vorobkevich's choral works in A. Kushnirenko's creative work and the specificity of their popularization in Western Ukrainian lands. The methodology of the research is to use materials that characterize the choral work of Sidor Vorobkevich, which contributes to the development of the musical culture of the region and the creative achievements of A. Kushnirenko, who made a great contribution to the popularization of the composer's choral heritage. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the interpretation of Sidor Vorobkevich's choral works is considered in the creative and research work of the well-known choral conductor, composer, organizer of music life in Bukovyna Andriy Kushnirenko, who contributed to the revival and popularization of forgotten creativity. Conclusions. The research revealed that the specificity of S. Vorobkevich's choral works and the peculiarities of their interpretation in A. Kushnirenko's creative work is an important component in the Ukrainian choral heritage, which contributes to the revival and development of choral art. Generalized results of the creative activity of Bukovyna artists S. Vorobkevich and A. Kushnirenko, who first raised from oblivion the musical heritage of his predecessor, which laid the foundations of the scientific study of folk song creativity. Choral creativity of S. Vorobkevich and A. Kushnirenko's research work, peculiarities of interpretation of choral works are characterized. The focus is on regional and integrative aspects of the historical choral heritage of Bukovina artists.