The Gosport War Memorial Hospital Panel report and its implications for nursing
In: Darbyshire , P & Ion , R 2019 , ' The Gosport War Memorial Hospital Panel report and its implications for nursing ' , Journal of Advanced Nursing , vol. 75 , no. 2 , pp. 258-263 .
Where do we even begin? How do mere words encapsulate the full horror of the Gosport War Memorial Hospital (GWMH) report (Gosport Independent Panel, 2018) and its profound implications for nursing? Many of us thought that in our careers we would never again read anything as damning of health care and health services as the Francis Report; Darbyshire & McKenna, 2013; Hayter, 2013; Nolan, 2013). We were wrong. Politicians, hospitals, health services, educators and regulators at that time were falling over each other to reassure us that 'lessons had been learned', 'things had changed', 'new systems were in place' and that such disasters and failures 'must never happen again'.