26 Ergebnisse
Festival statistics: key concepts and current practices
In: 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics Handbook, 3
World Affairs Online
Education trends in perspective
In: Analysis of the world education indicators 4.2005
In: World education indicators programme
Financing education - investments and returns
In: Analysis of the world education indicators 3.2002
World Affairs Online
Teachers for tomorrow's schools
In: Analysis of the world education indicators 2.2001
A view inside primary schools: a World Education Indicators (WEI) cross-national study
"The World Education Indicators' Survey of Primary Schools (WEI-SPS) offers unique insight into the classrooms of 11 diverse countries, [Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Uruguay], in order to understand and monitor the factors shaping the quality and equality of primary education. It examines the main issues and inputs shaping primary schools: the background characteristics of pupils; demographic and educational characteristics of teachers and school heads; school resources and conditions; instructional time; school management; teaching and learning styles in the classroom; as well as learning opportunities provided to pupils"--P. 3
Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow: further results from PISA 2000
In: Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA
The economics of full employment: six studies in applied economics
In: Reprints of economic classics
Bosnia and Herzegovina : Gender Disparities in Endowments, Access to Economic Opportunities and Agency
This assessment presents a broad picture of the main gender disparities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in endowments, economic opportunities, and agency. The report builds on the framework of the 2012 World Bank World Development Report 2012 on gender and development and the World Bank's regional gender report on Europe and Central Asia: opportunities for men and women, that focuses on the household and individual members' bargaining power and their ability to access (i) endowments, education, health and physical assets, (ii) economic opportunities, labor market, employment, entrepreneurship, and (iii) agency, political participation and voice, gender-based violence, and the legal framework. The remainder of the report is organized as follows. The next subsections provide general patterns of gender gaps across socio-demographic groups. Chapter one discusses 'agency' and describes factors which may shape the process how men and women use their endowments and utilize economic opportunities to achieve desired outcomes. Chapter two, in turn, analyzes gender disparities in endowments, such as health and education. Chapter three focuses on gender gaps in the labor market, entrepreneurship and earnings, access to finance and poverty. The last section, chapter four, presents conclusions and policy recommendations.
John Dewey's theory of democracy and its links with the heterodox approach to economics. ; La teoría democrática de John Dewey y sus vínculos con el enfoque heterodoxo a la economía. [Inglés]
John Dewey is one of the most significant figures in pragmatist philosophy, an approach which he systematically applied to the study of economic, social and cultural structure. In our work, we will focus on the main aspects of Dewey's approach to the study of aspects that make up "human nature" and how do they interact with the characteristics of the cultural context. We will illustrate how the concepts elaborated by Dewey can contribute to the heterodox analysis of a host of economic and social issues. Dewey highlights the crucial role of public policies for facilitating the development of volunteer associations in all areas of the social structure. In the analysis of these aspects, Dewey's key contribution lies in removing the concepts of democracy and participation from the limbo of abstraction in which they tended to be confined by previous approaches and connecting them to the evolution of economic and social forms. ; John Dewey es una de las figuras más representativas de la filosofía pragmatista, enfoque este que aplicó sistemáticamente al estudio de la estructura social y cultural. En este artículo el foco de análisis se concentrará en los aspectos principales del enfoque de Dewey al estudio de los aspectos que constituyen la "naturaleza humana" y en cómo ellos interactúan con las características del contexto cultural. Se ilustrará cómo los conceptos elaborados por Dewey pueden contribuir al análisis heterodoxo de una serie de asuntos económicos y sociales. Dewey subraya el papel crucial de las políticas públicas para facilitar el desarrollo de asociaciones voluntarias en todas las áreas de la estructura social. En el análisis de estos aspectos la contribución central de Dewey radica en cambiar los conceptos de democracia y participación del limbo de la abstracción en la que tienden a ser confinados por los enfoques anteriores, y en conectarlos con la evolución de las formas sociales económicas y sociales.
World Affairs Online
Sample survey practice and problems: With special reference to Africa
The book is addressed to students undertaking professional training in statistics and for statisticians engaged in planning, organization and management of census and survey operations in Africa. It will be useful also to students and teachers of social and economic research as it discusses important research instruments like questionnaire and their design; data collection techniques, etc
World Affairs Online