Latino leaders speak: personal stories of struggle and triumph
Introduction by Mickey Ibarra, Founder & Chairman, Latino Leaders Network -- Joaquin Castro, Congressman, Texas District -- Maria Elena Salinas, News Anchor, Univision -- Ken Salazar, former US Secretary of the Interior -- Adam Rodriguez, Actor and Screenwriter -- Richard Montanez, Pepsi Co. executive & author -- Thomas E. Perez, US Secretary of Labor -- Janet Murguia, President & CEO of the National Council of La Raza -- Carlos Gutierrez, Businessman & Former US Secretary of Commerce -- Antonio Villaraigosa, Chairman, Democratic National Convention -- Lily Eskelsen-Garcia, Vice President, NEA -- Julie Stav, financial expert & best-selling author -- Luis Gutierrez, Congressman, US House of Representatives -- Nydia Velazquez, Congresswoman, US House of Representatives -- Ricardo Sanchez, Lt. General, US Army -- Jose Hernandez, Astronaut, NASA -- Hilda Solis, US Secretary of Labor, US Department of Labor -- Soledad O'Brien, Anchor, CNN -- Dr. Francisco Cigarroa, Chancellor, University of Texas System -- Dolores Huerta, civil rights activist -- Henry Cisneros, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development -- Henry Bonilla, Congressman, US House of Representatives -- Federico Pena, Mayor, City of Denver -- Gloria Molina, County Supervisor, City of Los Angeles -- Mel Martinez, US Senator, US Senate -- Maria Hinojosa, author & journalist -- Omar Minaya, General Manager, NY Met -- Susan Castillo, State Superintendent of Schools, State of Oregon -- Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico -- Eva Longoria, actress and activist -- Virgilio P. Elizondo, Reverend Father -- Leticia Van De Putte, Texas State Senator -- Robert Menendez, US Senator, US Senate -- Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney General